Posted By: iggy Faux Patriot Balls... - 2022-08-01 11:16 PM
...sure get tiny by the time sentencing rolls around: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/01/politics/guy-reffitt-sentencing/index.html


lol lol lol lol lol
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Faux Patriot Balls... - 2022-08-02 3:46 AM
That MAGA traitor should have gotten a lot more time than 7 years.
Posted By: iggy Re: Faux Patriot Balls... - 2022-08-02 10:43 AM
Ashli Babbit's family is awful and seemingly beyond saving. This guy's daughter has a chance though:

"My father's name wasn't on all the flags that were there that day, that everyone was carrying that day. He is not the leader," Peyton said through tears, at times pausing with her hand on her heart.

Good luck, kid, and remember that it wasn't the government of the United States that did this to you and your family.
Originally Posted by iggy
...sure get tiny by the time sentencing rolls around: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/01/politics/guy-reffitt-sentencing/index.html


lol lol lol lol lol

The Orwellian Newspeak at CNN.

Kind of hidden in the text, a few clear points:
1) This Guy Reffitt person was carrying a gun, but it was apparently never visible or brandished at any time during the January 6th riots (interesting how CNN's usual terms "Storming of the Capitol", and "Insurrection" seem to have disappeared from the Newspeak rhetoric at this point, making clear those talking points were never real. )

2) As said repeatedly by FBI assistant director of counterterrorism Jill Sanborn in House and Senate hearings, there was never any organized insurrection attempt to seize military or political targets or buildings or centers of communication. As Sanborn admitted in testimony, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE FIREARM FOUND OR CONFISCATED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT ON JAN 6 2021 IN ALL OF WASHINGTON SQUARE. None were found, none were seen, none were used. The only person threatened or killed that day was Ashli Babbitt, and she was killed by a Capitol police detective, despite that Babbit was unarmed and a threat to no one.

3) This person Guy Reffitt is clearly both an attention whore and mentally unstable, and unrepresentative of the over 100,000 PEACEFUL Trump supporters in Washington Square an the Capitol on Jan 6 2021. Guy Reffit was there for other ulterior self-aggrandizing reasons. If Reffitt were the only one to have committed crimes that day, I'd say he got what he deserved. But in contrast with the many others, there iss very seletive and vindictive prosecution of only a select few by DOJ.
For example John Earle Sullivan and his "Antifa Salt Lake City" group of 20 or so who committed arguably far worse offenses, THAT THEY OPENLY AND SELF INCRIMINATINGLY BRAGGED ABOUT, ON VIDEO, and posted all over Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. Where is the equal justice punishment for THESE guys? They were the ones who basically orchestrated the shooting death of Ashley Babbitt, who was unarmed and no threat to anyone. Ashli Babbit's death was the very worst act that occurred that day, ignored by FBI and DOJ, un-investigated, unpunished.
Likewise the "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators", undercover FBI agents stoking the mob to incite violence, documented in the FBI's own investigation reports, and yet remain unindicted and unpunished. That Jill Sanborn will not answer Senators in hearings when asked how many undercover FBI agents were in the crowd, whether undercover FBI agents provoked violence, whether undercover FBI committed violence THEMSELVES. And that some of the FBI agents involved in the prior staged Gov Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, were immediately after sent by FBI to Washington DC to run a similar operation on Jan 6 2021 protesters. THESE are the people who should be prosecuted with the most severe sentences.

4) Still no mention of Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi's direct action, declining the 20,000 National Guard troops Donald Trump ordered, that would have prevented any violence AT ALL from occurring on Jan 6 2021. Likewise Washington DC mayor Muriel (bow wow) Bowser, who also declined National Guard security. ALL their e-mails and texts exchanged with the House and Senate Sergeants-at-arms should be subpoenaed into the record, and Pelosi and Schumer and Bowser held accountable for the violence and deaths that occurred.

5) No mention by CNN Newspeak of the actions of DC and Capitol police that were targeting peaceful Trump supporters that day with repeated volleys of unnecessary tear gas, mace, and concussion grenades, hurled by Capitol police into crowds of nonviolent peaceful protesters, that several groups are fighting in court to prove is what caused 3 otherTrump supporter protesters to die, in what are officially reported as a stroke, a heart attack, and a drug overdose or seizure. All 3 are reported to have been unnecessarily traumatized by repeated gas/grenade attacks until they collapsed.
(As reported by
The Federalist,
by AmericanGreatness.com,
and by RevolverNews.com)
And again, the police (NOT Trump supporters) also killed an unarmed Ashli Babbit, who was a threat to no one. And these 3 others. Crimes that go un-investigated and unpunished, despite plenty of evidence.