Posted By: iggy Stupid fucking Florida drops ball... - 2022-08-31 2:23 AM
...arrests others for good faith trusting the state's mistake.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Stupid fucking Florida drops ball... - 2022-08-31 5:52 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
...arrests others for good faith trusting the state's mistake.


Gee, what a shock, yoiu posted a source that's to the Left of even the New York Times, Wahington Post and CNN.

What a SHOCK that they would try to discredit governor Ron Desaantis, and discredit the only other Republican with nationwide recognition as an outstanding leader, having the popularity to step right in and win in 2024 if Donald Trump for any reason chooses not to run.

What a shock. I'm sure it's NOT AT ALL an attempt by the Left-most media to prematurely tear down any prominent Republican ahead of the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Just like the raid on Mar A Lago was likewise NOT AT ALL an attempt to damage Republicans just before an election.
Just like the overly prolonged FBI "Russia collusion" investigation, and the Mueller investigation and impeachments weren't attempts to damage the Republicans, ahead of the 2016, 2018 and 2020 elections. AMAZING how one DeepState/ liberal media failure ends, and a week later another spectacle like this is launched.

I find it REALLY hard to believe that anyone "unintentionally" registered to vote fraudulently.
This is a hit piece on DeSantis, that tries to spin the facts, but even trying hard, doesn't do a great job of it.

The Democrat controlled election system in California has "motor-voter" laws that allow illegal immigrants to get a driver license. And then there is a check-box where they can check that they are legally allowed to vote (but knowing they are not), and just checking the box, can get a voter registration based on their driver license. Since the California system is overwhelmingly Democrat-controlled, the at least 2 million illegal voters in California could all be prosecuted for this conscious fraud. But we all know the Democrats want and welcome these illegal voters ,and would never prosecute them.

In the Florida case, these felons gambled they could do the same thing and not get caught, and lost.