Posted By: iggy Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-23 12:49 AM
No way this comes back from the judge in Lake's favor. Defense tore the entire case apart in closing arguments. People can get mad at how she put them being convinced to only vote in person on election day, but they still made that choice and the choice to either stay or walk away from the precinct. Florida may no longer be a battleground state, but Trumpism, Ward, and--now--Lake have bled Arizona purplish blue.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-23 2:41 PM
Sorry, that's not even a complete thought, presenting any kind of lucid argument for whatever it is you're trying to say.
Do you have ANY supporting facts, for what you are trying to argue in half-baked and typically apoplectic form ?
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-23 3:03 PM
Lake is going to lose and you are going to cry.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-23 4:36 PM
Again: no sources for your opinion, or sourced facts to even make the argument.

Beyond what I've linked and provided elsewhere several weeks ago.
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-23 7:32 PM
Watch the trial. The outcome is plain as day, dude. Lake team got nowhere near the bar set by the law and the judge.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-24 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
Watch the trial. The outcome is plain as day, dude. Lake team got nowhere near the bar set by the law and the judge.

I still don't see any cited facts to back that allegation up.
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-24 1:42 AM
Here's a fact for you...Hamadeh's just got tossed because it couldn't produce decent enough evidence of being able to close the gap. Suck on that while you wait to hear that Lake's suit is also going to fail bigly as it mistook innuendo for proof of nefarious actions.
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-24 7:11 PM
Cited fact is...start crying as predicted. Lawsuit failed to make case. You lose again, loser. Pick better candidates than charlatans and grifters.

Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-25 5:12 AM
But they're all charlatans and grifters.
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-25 4:34 PM
My entire stance is that the "anti establishment" side is just a segment of the elites on the outside looking in and trying to claim more for themselves. "Drain the swamp" is code for "make it our own personal swimming pool." So I can roll with that and rephrase. Why support people so transparently hustling you with their "tell you everything you think is right" grift?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-26 7:03 PM
LothTARD can't defend his Republican "friends" on this one, so he just dodges the issue and claims they are all like that.

A dumber version of G-man's "yeah, but..." defense.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-26 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
My entire stance is that the "anti establishment" side is just a segment of the elites on the outside looking in and trying to claim more for themselves. "Drain the swamp" is code for "make it our own personal swimming pool." So I can roll with that and rephrase. Why support people so transparently hustling you with their "tell you everything you think is right" grift?

Originally Posted by iggy
Watch the trial. The outcome is plain as day, dude. Lake team got nowhere near the bar set by the law and the judge.

I still don't see any cited facts to back those allegations up.

Just you talking out your ass, with nothing to back it up (vs. my citing of abundant sourced evidence to support my arguments).

So you support corrupt Democrats and corrupt establishment Republicans, because (based on nothing) you ASSUME that those like Trump and Giuliani and Kash Patel and grassrootss Republicans like True The Vote, or Dinesh D'Souza, or Jim Jordan or Jim Banks or Devin Nunes are just in it "to claim more for themselves", based on no presented evidence. You as a mean-spirited and malicious person, seem incapable of conceiving that the people I just listed and others simply believe in doing the right thing and rooting out corruption. Guiliani, for one, risked his life on a regular basis for decades as a U.S. attorney in taking down organized crime kingpins, long before he became mayor and presidential candidate and a Trump lawyer.
Donald Trump and his family are the first presidential family to actually leave the White House with SMALLER personal fortunes than when they went in. Not so the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bushes, or any other first family I'm aware of.

Perhaps you yourself are so corrupt, that you can't even conceive of others acting in ethical and selfless ways for the greater good of the nation. But there are many. And it is not a new phenomenon.
Posted By: iggy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-27 12:58 AM
You're taking cope suppositories at this point. Straight up the ass...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Lake Trial Clusterf**k - 2022-12-27 2:30 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
You're taking cope suppositories at this point. Straight up the ass...

You have a weird anal fixation. Probably manifesting your own homosexual tendencies.

Beyond that, your tortured syntax really doesn't make much sense, so I don't feel insulted or a need to respond. It kind of blew up in your face.