Posted By: Matter-eater Man GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-10 11:26 PM
Staggering election loss

Glad to see this fail and how much it drove voter turnout! Abortion wasn’t explicitly on the ballot but voters knew what it meant if it had passed.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-12 7:39 AM
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party is melting down, Democrat weaponization of FBI, DOJ and IRS against Republican political opponents, Democrat push for an authoritarian one-party Democrat-Bolshevik lockdown government , and intimidation of jail for all dissenters, and... THIS is what you care about?!?

Propagandizing abortion as a political weapon?

You truly have warped priorities, M E M.

For the record, all that conservatives for 50 years have wanted (since the 1973 "Roe vs. Wade court ruling) ) is to let individiual states determine the specifics of abortion law, according to the will of the people who live there, in each of the 50 states.
As opposed to a fiat mandate with no legal precedent (as occurred in 1973) imposed unilaterally across all 50 states. I think only Kansas and Ohio have debated the possibility of (but not actually imposed) a complete ban on abortions in their state.
Against the lying propaganda of Democrats, to politically distort abortion law as a way to stoke and enrage Democrat voters, what the U.S. Supreme Court ACTUALLY ruled on a year ago is that the 1973 ruling was ALWAYS un-constitutional. And the U S S C ruling in 2022 simply gave individual choice back to each of the 50 states, letting the people choose locally how abortion law would be structured in their 50 individual states. That's it. That's all. Not a ban on abortion, as Democrats misrepresent. And the polls I've seen, between 65% and 70% of the people support the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, and limits on availability of abortion.

And that's also a key point : That as it was initially structured by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 1973, abortion was divided into 3 separate trimesters of the 9-month pregnancy.
In the 1st 3 months, a woman could get an abortion for pretty much any reason.
In the 2nd trimester the fetus was more developed, so there were greater restrictions and limits to getting an abortion.
And in the 3rd trimester, abortion was much less available because of how developed the baby was, and abortion was only allowed in that period in cases of rape, incest, or if giving birth threatened the life or health of the mother.

But in recent decades, the Bolshevik-Left has over time wiped out those restrictions, so that a woman could have an abortion for any reason right up to the time of birth, or even a number of cases where the baby was born alive and killed after surviving abortion. Or "partial birth abortion", where the (fully developed) baby is hacked apart in the womb, and brought out of the womb piece by piece by the abortion doctor. And the baby's brains are sucked out of the skull with a vaccuum before pulling its body out of the womb, so it cannot be birthed alive.
And some abortion doctors have been exposed as sadists who had a morbid Norman Bates-like obsession with corpses and death, and save the secret collections of fetus-filled jars, for their morbid and inhuman amusement.

I've seen many interviews with doctors and nurses for Planned Parenthood who initially did these abortion procedures, regular or late-term abortions, and reached a point where they were disgusted, ashamed, saddened and outraged by it, ceased doing those abortions, and became vocally active in opposing abortions.
And who would know better the exact nature of those procedures, thaan the doctors who performed them?

What you cheer on as "women's reproductive rights" (oh how I LOVE that sanitized euphemistic term, that glosses over the grisly details of the ACTION that a brutal PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION procedure, or other still grisly ABORTION procedure, actually entails. "Reproductive rights", sure.)
What you cheer on will in the future be seen as a shameful chapter of several decades in medical science. There are already great leaps forward in understanding the early development of the fetus, the baby. That early on it has a heartbeat, has its own heart and bloodstream, so that if the mother is a crack-addicted drug addict prostituting herself for drugs and has HIV or AIDS, the baby incredibly has its own separate bloodstream and remains HIV-free for that 9 months, and is only at risk of getting HIV as it passes through the womb when being born. Inexpensive ultrasonic images, that show the baby as it looks in the womb, developed and visibly human in even the first 5 or 6 weeks.

In Europe, abortion is only available in the first 12 weeks.
Only in a few places is there a zealous push to allow abortion right up till the moment of birth. In North Korea, in China.... and in the Democrat-Bolshevik regions of the U.S.

Mother Teresa years ago impacted my opinion on the subject (at that point I was still a supporter of abortion, due to liberal propaganda and to lack of understanding).
In a TIME magazine interview, she said when asked, "What greater measure is there of a nation's evil, than when it chooses to murder its own children."

That really impacted me, and combined with other factors I'd learned over several years, such as abortions from 1973-2000, in an article I read titled "ABORTION, WORLD WAR III" detailed how abortion, in the United States alone in that time period, let alone the further tens of millions of abortions worldwide in that time, IN THE U.S. ALONE had taken more lives than were lost in World War II.
And against my earlier belief that abortion got rid of unwanted children and reduced crime, there are about 200,000 couples in the U.S. annually that cannot have children, and would gladly adopt these children, adopt children at great expense from southeast Asia, from Africa.
And further that some of the most accomplished people came from impoverished backgrounds, and arguably achieved far more than most in their lives because of the deprivation. Andrew Carnegie. And a highly educated and accomplished principal I met years ago, someone I knew for years personally.

These are some of the factors that completely reversed my opinion on abortion, circa 2000-2002, largely due to information first made available to me on the internet.

A propagandized "women's reproductive health" procedure that kills millions every year.
And you just gloat about it as a political football, because you think it helps your Democrat-Bolshevik cause. If it does give Democrats an advantage, it is only because they misrepresent and falsely propagandized with incendiary rhetoric the actual facts regarding abortion.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-12 8:04 AM

From the Politico article:
With no consensus on the real reason for the loss in a state dominated by Republicans, some are pleading with the GOP to move away from backing near-total bans with no exemptions to stave off further electoral disaster.

So... even Politico admits that THEY don't know why Democrats did well in the Ohio election. But both the Democrats , and their like-minded idological brethren in the liberal media, WANT the reason to be the abortion issue. And so they propagandize and blame the Democrat victory on Republican support of abortion.

Y'know, as in the 2022 mid-terms, it might have much more to do with the ton of dark money and Bolshevik activiss pouring into these elections, where they are out-spending Republicans by 6 or 10 times what the Republican candidates are able to spend.

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), for example, as a popular incumbent should have had an easy re-election win in 2022. But because he was shunned by Mitch McConnell and deprived of GOP Senate funding in the last few weeks of the election (obviously because he was an ally of Donald Trump and not of McConnell), and vastly out spent by the radical Democrat Bolshevik candidate who ran against him, Johnson narrowly won by a fraction of 1% of the vote. In what should have been a Johnson landslide.
AND slander campaigns launched against Johnson in carpet-bombed radio and TV campaign ads, that Johnson was unable to even respond to.

That money is not coming from a motivated wide base of Democrat campaign supporters. It's being funded by dark money from oligarch Democrat-Bolsheviks like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Sam Bankman-Fried.
That's not "the people" speaking. That's the Deep State.

And by the way, Politico (along with New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS, along with Factcheck, Snopes, Politifact, and Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.etc. ) are all part of that Orwellian Deep State propaganda machine, controlling, manipulating AND CREATING the message, telling you what to think.
Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi and the "Twitter Files" extensively laid out the details of how that state message control was orchestrated.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-12 2:49 PM
WB I’m against the government forcing women to give birth period. I don’t think it’s right and I also think we just end up having more back alley abortions like we did before Roe vs Wade. Republicans in this instance tried making it harder for the people in Ohio to choose abortion without having abortion on the ballot and they got their ass handed to them. I’m not like say Trump where his stance on abortion is about getting votes btw.

As for dark money, that’s a both sides thing. I hope that some sensible campaign finance reform can be gotten back to but wasn’t it the conservatives on the Supreme Court that loosened all that up?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-19 2:50 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB I’m against the government forcing women to give birth period. I don’t think it’s right and I also think we just end up having more back alley abortions like we did before Roe vs Wade. Republicans in this instance tried making it harder for the people in Ohio to choose abortion without having abortion on the ballot and they got their ass handed to them. I’m not like say Trump where his stance on abortion is about getting votes btw.

As for dark money, that’s a both sides thing. I hope that some sensible campaign finance reform can be gotten back to but wasn’t it the conservatives on the Supreme Court that loosened all that up?

I don't buy that. Women up till 1973 still got pregnant, millions per year, and with a different moral sense, made and still make the decision to keep their babies, or give them up for adoption.
And the U.S. also had enough births that we didn't need to import another 1.3 million immigrants a year to compensate for the deficit of births.

The point I made is, if you educate women about the life they are carrying, with a greater conscience they will choose not to get abortions, or will at worst carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption, to the hundreds of thousands annually who would gladly adopt them.

You say that Republicans lost an election for that specific reason of restricting abortion, but there are no voter exit polls or specific statements by voters, no evidence for you (or your source) to decisively say that.
You say Ohio Republicans got their asses handed to them, for that one specific reason. I say your side are making stuff up with no facts in evidence, to psych out your Republican opposition, creating a narrative to make Republicans do what your side wants them to do, and abandon pro-life policy.
And as I said before: Ohio is only one state, no other region is trying to outlaw abortion completely. It's just a Democrat talking point, a scare tactic, a narrative, that Republicans allegedly want to abandon abortion across all 50 states. And even in Ohio, hypothetically, if it were outlawed, women could travel an hour or two into any neighboring state to get an abortion. Democrat abortion groups are already promising to give women free transportation to an abortion state, and to profit off these policies, if they come into fruition.

You are quick to assume to worst motive in Trump becoming pro-life, alleging it was "just about getting votes" is cynical and unproven.
But as I stated above, like Trump, I was in support of abortion for most of my life, and without any political motives, I was simply persuaded by the evidence to change my stance, around the year 2000. I don't see Trump as a guy who can be bought, he has enough other issues where people support him that he wouldn't have to be pro-life if he didn't believe in it. His support comes from many other issues.

On the dark money point, all of a sudden it seems every presidential, Senate, House or even local D.A election, Democrats are out-spending every Republican by 5 or 10 to 1, as I've detailed in several posts recently on the 2022 midterm elections. On the Republican side, most donations are $50 or less, and trackable, whereas your side is more often very large donations, often untraceable, and stuff like Mark Zuckerberg, or Sam Bankman-Fried, or Jeffrey Epstein, or Harvey Weinstein-types, whose true contributions are only exposed much later, if ever.

And campaign finance reform (the McCain-Feingold bill) is what led to the current exponential rise in special interest campaign funding over the last 20 years. Led to the rise of George Soros taking over the Democrat party from its previous large donors (The head of MoveOn.org boasting to others in the 2004 election: "We bought the Democratic party. We OWN it ! " when Soros groups took over and increasingly radicalized the party after taking financial control of it. As detailed in the book THE SHADOW PARTY, by David Horowitz and Rcihard Poe.)
So I don't see further campaign finance laws fixing anything, only worsening it.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-20 3:14 PM
You turn a blind eye on the back alley abortions that were prevalent before Roe vs Wade. And afterwards the abolition rate has declined I think largely due to teenage girls being more educated about their choices with birth control and the stigma of unwed mothers being less than what it was in the 50’s and 60’s. Your party however is about control and that includes regulating a woman’s reproductive organs to the point of forcing women to give birth wether they want to or not. Even if it’s harmful for them. That to me is just wrong. As for Ohio, you can read what your part’s reaction is to it and not take my word for it.

As for your accusation about campaign finance it’s a fact that it’s the conservatives on the Supreme Court have been chipping away at the laws for decades. We now live in a world where Clarence Thomas’s wife can get money funneled to her by the Trump campaign advisers. I’m not surprised you don’t want laws regulating that because that corruption is useful to you. Personally I’m good with getting rid of dark money and nonprofit’s losing their special tax exemption status’s.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: GOP suffers defeat in Ohio - 2023-08-23 5:19 PM

Do you have NUMBERS on those alleged "back alley abortions"? Or is that another leftist myth you guys like to front?

And that is a remarkable whopper, that abortions "has declined" annually, or over the decades. As I've quoted often, abortions are about 1 million a year, and over 50 years since the Rove V. Wade ruling in 1973, well in excess of 50 million abortions in the U.S. alone.
That as I said, I first became aware of in an article titled "Abortion: World War III", that cited abortions in the U.S. alone exceed all the deaths worldwide in World War II.

This statistics website, that seems pro-abortion and sources the CDC, says abortions SKYROCKETED after Roe v. Wade in 1973.
And that while abortion was going down for decades, has been sharply rising since 2015.


And that in every region of the country, the rate of abortions is rising, between 2% at the lowest region, and 12% in the highest region.

As for conservatives "chipping away at the laws for decades" (regarding abortion?) ... no.
There was an unprecedented change in the law in 1973, that was shoved down our throats against our will and without our consent, and without legal precedent, and the Republicans for 50 years have been trying to make it right. And as I said, in 1973, there was at least a semblance of proportion and measure. But the Left has pushed way beyond the first trimester, to the point that partial birth abortion and late term abortion have now been pushed up to the moment of birth.

The overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022 does not make abortion illegal ANYWHERE. And I question without evidence to support it, whether Republicans lost the Ohio election precisely because of that.

I could just as easily say that Virginia "governor blackface" Ralph Northam lost in a previously deeply blue state because of his comment about if a baby during an abortion manages to be born alive, that the baby should be set aside "and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother", clearly favoring infanticide as an option he was very okay with. And arguably THAT comment caused Gov. Northam and the Democrats to lose the election. I can't produce proof that particular issue is what lost him re-election, but my speculation is as valid (and as unbacked by proof) as yours about Ohio.