
Ig, you're a tranny lover and a big fan of womens sports,what do you think about this?

You can call it "transgender rights", you can call it "gender fluid", you can call it "non-binary". Re-package it however you want, but the bottom line is no matter how you try re--frame it, a transgender freak is still a transgender freak. Everyone knows it. And nothing on God's earth could ever make it right.

I really miss the days when a "trannie" was just a transmission.

[Linked Image from transtechtransmissions.com]
Blowing a tranny used to mean something different.
Watching Rob Schmitt on Newsmax tonight, I heard what is my favorite question from a reporter in a long time.

He was interviewing two women who supervise women's sports, who after some point voiced objections to trans men being allowed to compete in women's sports, and obviously the teannie guys had a huge and unfair advantage to any girls playing.
Shmitt asked; "Just how ridiculous did it have to get before you finally felt you had to say something?"

One of many such incidents, where trannies injure actual women, just by being in the game.

This article even further makes the point :


The hockey one was particularly grisly. The girl hit by the trannie lost a lot of teeth, and required reconstructive surgery, and still will never be the same.

