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#215821 2002-08-05 6:21 AM
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"Is the subject ready?" an idle voice came clambering in a deep Russian accent.

"Y-Yes, comrade Shodas, he is." A younger voice, not as heavy on the russian accent, came.

"Then begin at once. I want to know all there is to know about this Meta." Shodas said with much intent.

With that said, the younger man turned to the steel table. It was a mere 7 feet long and barely what he was used to. After all,
the tables at the academy were much bigger. He began fondling strange tools. He seemed to be hunting for something on the long table. After finding a rather long probe, he turned to the "Beast" on the table and began his work. "Beast, indeed" he thought, for it seemed more like a Great Dire Wolf than the beast he had been told he was to examine.

BOOK ONE: The Hunter in the Dark.

[ 12-21-2002, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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Circa 971 A.D.
A small village in the north Atlantic. A young Vi-kin family has just seen the arrival of their first child.

<Translated from Scandanavian>
"Sven, what shall we call him?" a young female voice came softly.

"He must stand the test first. Lilinna, Nay, he must pass the test to be my son!" was the reply of one Sven Odenson. As he glanced at the beauty of his young wife. He will pass as Woden is my father, and I, his child. He will pass! Sven told himself, as if to reiterate to possible.

"Is the child ready?" Came a voice from the door.
"Aye, he has just been cut from the loin." Sven said proudly.

And with that, he took the newly born from his mother's arm.
He headed for the door.
It was a harsh winter, indeed. he told himself.
Already there had been well over 10 deaths in the village, and this was but the third month of hard frost.he thought, as he was leaving the parched oak doors of his hut.

He could hear the chanting of the council of elders.
He knew that the time was here. That he must do this for the child's own good.

He stepped forward to the youngest member of the council.
As if by some bizarre entrancement were broken, the younger man stept forward and said "Is this the child your wife gave birth to?"

"Yes, Lord Trevan, it is, he was born at first dawn." said Sven.

"Well, then, he shall be given the trial. Return to your wife and come back in the morning. If the wolves haven't taken him then he shall be named come first light." Lord Trevan said solemnly.

Back at the Hut.
"Lilanna, he will pass the test. On that, I'm sure. The gods have always favored our young."


"Is he Still alive?" Lilanna came running.

"Please, Woden, let him live."

"Lord Trevan, is he? Is my son alive?" Sven asked.

"Aye! And by some queer witchery." Lord Trevan said.

"Witchery? What do you mean?" Sven said.

"See for yourself. He's in the field." Lord Trevan's voice seemed shaken.

Sven moved to the clearing to see if the child had lived. As he approached the clearing, he noticed all the village had gathered to see the sight.

"What's this?" he said.

Glancing to the clearing, he saw the largest wolf he had ever seen. The thing was massive, it stood at least 15 feet at the shoulders, and had to have weighed a ton.

Inbetween the beasts front paws was a small baby. It seemed as if the beast were comforting the child.

"He has pass the trial. And it would seem as tho Fenris himself would guard the child." Lord Trevan Stated.

[ 12-21-2002, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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The table was a mere 7 feet in length, and covered with implements that were being not of medical science. But more like the things that some nightmarish fiend would create.

"Comrade Shodas, he, The Beast that is, is coming around!" the young Technician said with more than a hint of panic.

" Put him under again, Keep him down till we are through. Can you not understand the importance of this?" was all that came frome the massive Russian that was called Shodas.

" Is the reader ready?" Shodas said.
"Then begin again. And increase the dosage this time!" he spat.

"But , comrade, you know of the dangers?"the technician responded.

"I'M WELL AWARE! Now do as you are told.." Shodas sneered as if he were a content cat, just licking up spilled cream.

With that said, the technician took a long needle from the table and stuck the beast on the table.

With a jolt, the thing on the table fell and seemed to lapse into a state of deep slumber.

" Very well, we shall begin again. Go farther down the line, shall we say.... two hundred " said Shodas.

[ 12-21-2002, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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Log entry: Personal Log. Vladaslavve Kerdonavich, first technician, Project: Rebirth.
Date 09/25/2000

It is seeming that the subject is not a Meta, but some strange genetic analog or composite geneticly encoded entity. I'm not sure what to think.

It seems that the subject, Johann Odenson, has .... how shall I say this, he seems to be the one leading the investigation.
While at first, I had followed orders without hesitation, now I have cause to wonder why comrade Shodas has insisted on using the genetic samples that he gained from earlier research.
Moreover, it would seem that the subject seems to be leading the reader. A deed I deemed impossible.
Yesterday, the subject forced a memory of what appeared to be a small Viking village and of a great wolf.
I’m not sure how this connects to the memory or why it seemed important to Shodas, who seemed rather intent on keeping the subject under sedation. The day ended when the Beast would no longer remain sedated and had to be restrained {side note: the restraints where in hazardous material containers and the technician had to wear a rad suit. end note}
Maybe tomorrow I will speak with Shodas and find out more on the subject's background.

End Log

[ 12-21-2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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Book two: Death

The cell was small. I think I can remember it. My head is all fuzzy!Mein Gott, was ist das? My hand, I can see my HAND!
Why are my thought mixed I cant seem to think straight.. they're coming again no “No, not again!!” I can hear them speaking I think it is Russian. Could it be that I’m still in the Urals? But Whose Dungeon is this? And What have I Done? Did it happen again, it did how long was I in the wood? Think, you know some Russian, Johann? Go ahead and try, it might work.

“Ahrooo-ar-ar-grewllllll!!”the Beast said as the technicians approached.

One of them bearing a “long metal tube.”

Wait, I know what that is. It's the thing that makes me sleep. I hate it. the beast thought as he began to get upright.
Slowly, he begin to raise. It was as if he had little or no control over his body.

“This thing gives me the creeps.” The technician bearing the tube said.

“Da! Maybe we should put it down.” he said in a thick Russian accent.

“Nyet. It is for the process, and we can't seem to kill it any way, just sedate it.” the first retorted.
“Da! With a fatal overdose to an elephant.” they both said with a hint of sarcasm.

The first raised the barrel to aim and fired.

No! No! Not again! Not the Darkness! Not again. I thought as I felt the sting in my fur.... MY FU..........

Thud!! And the lights went out.
“But, Comrade. . ."
Less than two-hundred yeards away. In a dimly light corridor with pale white walls that seemed to be as ancient as the mountains themselves.

“Comrade Kerdonavik! So glad to see you.” Shodas said.
“Yes, comrade, what can I do for you?” Shodas asked.

Vladdaslavve entered the room, it was a much better office than his, they called it an office, but it was more like a lab.

“Please have a seat!” Shodas said, pointing at a small lowbacked chair.

“Thank you for seeing me comrade.” Vladaslavve said as he seated himself in the chair.

“I.... I’m worried about the subject. He doesn’t have an active metagene....” he began to say as Shodas cut him off in mid sentence. “Do not worry! He has a metagene.” Shodas seemed to show his contempt.

[ 12-21-2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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“Comrade, the beast is sedated and ready for transport” the soldier said.

“Good, bring him to the lab at once!” Shodas responded.

“Comrade, you are not thinking of continuing with this so soon,
are you?” Vladaslavve asked.

“But of course.” Shodas said, as he leaned across the desk. “Vladaslavve, you would be wise to understand that this is my project and that I am having complete control of it."

“Yes, comrade, I am understanding this. But the client may not survive.” Vladaslavve said as he opened the office door and headed out of it .

I Really wished that he would listen to me. This isn't a Meta. Oh well, time to make my report and get back to work.

Fifteen minutes later

“Good to see that you could join us, comrade.” the voice of the reader was rather sarcastic and mildly caustic at this point.

“Comrade Jance, are you alright?” Vladaslavve asked.

“I’m fine, just a little tired, you know pulling thoughts and all that make a Meta tired, and all.” Jance said .

“Shall we begin again then?” with that, Vladaslavve turned to the table and began pulling the cloth away from the instruments.
He knew the pain that he must be causing the beast and just wanted to put it down.

“Comrade, we are ready!” Jance said.

”Good then begin at once.” Shodas came over the loud speaker.

[ 12-21-2002, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

#215827 2003-05-08 11:14 PM
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The Whipping Post!
“Sir, the subject is going back under.” Jance said.
“I’ll try for some thing fresher in his mind.”

“Comrade, are you sure that you are ready for this?” Vladdaslave said.
“Does it realy matter? If I’m ready or not doesn't matter to Shodas, the beast is all encompassing to him.” Jance said.

”He is under begin at once!”Shodas‘ voice came over the speakers.

Even Devils can Die, back where i started this Life! On the Whipping Post!
Ghoultown the Whipping post.

“What the hell's this Varment doing here?” the large texan said.
“Hell, Clint, I think he’s been Eyeing one of them girls over yonder.” came a retort from the fatter texan.
“What we gonna do with 'im?” the fat texan said.
“Just what we do with any redskin, take him to the post and string him while I go get Jon, he’ll love this.” Clint said as he turned and headed for the saloon doors.

That being said, the fat texan grabbed the hair of the young Indian, and began dragging him to the south.
“You like white women, don't ya, Cochease?” the texan said, as he rammed the indian's head to the ground.
“Thud” was all the Indian brave could say.

Earlier that day.

“Come on! You know you want to, Sharlin. All we have to do is make it back to my village and we can be married. Despite what your father says.” The young Indian said.
“But, Leaping Wolf, you know that my father will kill you if he finds out.” Sharlin said as she sat down in the chair.
“Come on, Sharlin, we can leave just after dark and your father will never know. He can blame it on a raid, or something.”
Leaping Wolf said as he walked to the board walk.
“After dark, you say? Alright, if I didn't love you so much, Leaping Wolf, I wouldn't even think of doing it.” Sharlin said.

The texan named Clint arrived shortly with a very tall man of Nordic descent.
“String the bastard up. I want to see what he looks like.” Clint said.
The fat texan pulled the ropes with all his might, forcing the barbed wire deep into the skin of the young Indian.
“What a pathetic excuse for a red man you are. Do you even speak English, you dog?” Jon said as he dismounted his horse.
“Clint, do you know what makes us different from this scum?” Jon said.
“No, Sir! Mr.Odenson, what makes us different?” Clint said as he took the rains and lashed them to the post.
“These redskins don't have red blood. It’s yellow. Think we should see what color this one's is?” Jon said as he opened his saddlebag.
“Mister Odenson, please, let me do it, I would hate for you to soil your hands on scum like this.” Clint said.
“This one is all mine, Clint, all mine.” Jon said as he started to uncoil a very long flogging whip.


The blood ran down the indian's back like water on a mill.


More blood began to flow like the running waters of a river.
“Mister Odenson, do you think he has had enuff”Cilent said.
“Please! No more!”Leaping Wolf said vainly.

SNAP! SNAP! the whip cracked.

The wounds on the indian's back were very deep now showing through, past bone and to organ. The blood ran red.
“Father, I beg of you, please stop this.” Sharlin's voice came from behind Jon's shoulder.
“What is this redskin to you, girl?” Jon said.
“He is my husband and the father of my child.”Sharlin said.
“Than join him!”Jon said, as he flicked the whip against the pale skin of the young lady.
“Ugh!” Sharlin said as she hit the ground.
“String her up!”Jon said.

“Enough, comrade, please, Jance is falling too deep” Vladaslavve said.
”Jance, Stop! Stop now!”Shodas said.
Jance could not reply for the psychic reader was no more.
Blood trickled down fron his back and turned the shirt that he wore crimson.
“Comrade! He. . .he is dead!” Vladaslavve said as he released the arm of the once powerful psychic.

[ 07-11-2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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Log entry: Personal Log. Vladaslavve Kerdonavich, first technician, Project: Rebirth.
Date : 09/29/2000

The turn of recent events, has me fearful for the project.
After losing Jance yesterday to some form of psychosomatic feedback from the beast, it has become obvious that we are dealing with some form of powerful being.

All the tests have concluded that this is not a meta, but a composite of different strands of D.N.A., and it would seem that there is much that can be learned from this beast about human and meta forms in general. In conclusion, I must seek an audience with my benefactors to know if I should continue with my research into this project.

I will be E-mailing them later tonight.

Last edited by Grimm; 2004-12-17 1:22 AM.

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