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#457961 2005-03-28 7:36 AM
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*Show opens with a slow motion clip of PenWing celebrating in the ring after winning the Rumble. Crunching guitar strains cue up as the scene shifts to Son of Mxy superkicking PenWing and King Snarf and adding his name to the title match contract.

You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god,
Watch peoples heads a’roll

*Shot of Sneaky Bunny slamming Meeko's head into the turnbuckle at No Way Out of the Closet. Cut to shot of Nowhereman standing atop a semi as Charlie is attacked by a mystery man.

Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the symphony...
Of destruction

*Shot of Captain Sammitch attacking Joe Mama and the Legbreakererses with his bo staff. Cut to Bibbo and I-Man winning the triple threat match.

Acting like a robot,
Its metal brain corrodes.
You try to take it’s pulse,
Before the head explodes.

*Shot of Grimm and Balls Nasty fighting through the CheeseDome parking lot. Cut to Wednesday holding the Hardcore Porn title aloft, Stareena and Butter flanking him.

Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the symphony...
Of destruction

*Shot of Johnny Evil spinkicking a chair into Spandex Monkey Man's face. Cut to King Snarf bringing out a senior citizen dressed as TK-069.

The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
A’warring for the heavens,
A peaceful man stands tall

*Shot of Chris Oakley winning the Hardcore Battle Royal. Cut to the formation of the full RDJL.

Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the symphony...
Of destruction

*Shot of El Superbeasto chokeslamming Los Monstrous Azules at NWOOTC. Cut to scene of the Bastardo Family celebrating en masse on Havoc.

*Close out as the RobbleMania logo appears onscreen, cutting to the CheeseDome as the fans go wild and the show begins. . .

Lipstick Lesbian Tag Title
single choice
Stareena/Butterrican (Champs) (48%, 32 Votes)
Princess Elissa/Batwoman (15%, 10 Votes)
Cowgirl Jack/Bianca (36%, 24 Votes)
Total Votes: 66
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Handicap Match
single choice
El Superbeasto (75%, 48 Votes)
Los Monstrous Azules (25%, 16 Votes)
Total Votes: 64
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Hardcore Porn Title
single choice
Wednesday (Champ) (58%, 39 Votes)
Chris Oakley (42%, 28 Votes)
Total Votes: 67
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Tag Match
single choice
Legbreakererses (71%, 47 Votes)
Punch/Counterpunch (29%, 19 Votes)
Total Votes: 66
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Women's Booby Title
single choice
Meeko (Champ) (25%, 17 Votes)
Sneaky Bunny (75%, 51 Votes)
Total Votes: 68
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
EuroTrash Title
single choice
Nowhereman (Champ) (58%, 37 Votes)
Charlie (42%, 27 Votes)
Total Votes: 64
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Back Dock Brawl
single choice
Grimm (94%, 61 Votes)
Balls Nasty (6%, 4 Votes)
Total Votes: 65
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Intercuntenintal Title
single choice
Joe Mama (Champ) (62%, 46 Votes)
Captain Sammitch (38%, 28 Votes)
Total Votes: 74
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
Chicago Style Match
single choice
Johnny Evil (65%, 42 Votes)
Spandex Monkey Man (35%, 23 Votes)
Total Votes: 65
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM
World Heavyweight Cheese Title
single choice
King Snarf (Champ) (47%, 35 Votes)
PenWing (38%, 28 Votes)
Son of Mxy (15%, 11 Votes)
Total Votes: 74
Voting on this poll ends: 2024-06-11 6:17 PM

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
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Paper Plane plays, and Fantastic makes his way down to the ring. Grabbing a microphone, he speaks

JF: Well, it's here at last! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, THIS is Robblemania Twenty-One!

As one, every single person in the crowd cheers enthusiastically and loudly.

JF: Tonight, the greatest men and women in the corporation we are proud to call the RDCW come together in one enormous slamdown the likes of which have never been seen!

More cheers

JF: You've seen The Rumble, You've seen No Way Out Of The Closet, You've even seen Arma Gadda Da Vidda, but they ain't nothing on this baby!

Marcum: Fantastic sounds like the Grand Wizard!

Monroe: But somehow so much better!

JF: I may not have a match tonight, but I know The Bastardo's, and I know they can't be trusted. Joke Mama, Queen Snarf and their lackeys may not think much of the rules, but dammit I do, and I'm not gonna let a bunch of ass-lickers like them corrupt and pervert this grand corporation!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Robblemania!

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*James White is standing backstage ready to interview Balls Nasty.*

This is James White in the locker area with Balls Nasty, who is about to have his rematch against Grimm after being disqualified...

Nasty: I ain't got time for this bullshit. Listen, tonight Grimm gets what the ref saved him from last month. His career is over and done with.

James: Well, Balls, Grimm has been pretty active since your last match.

Nasty: That's Mr. Nasty to you, pencil dick. Yeah, Grimm's been pretty active with all that running scared he's doing. Before our match, he would come out here and thump his chest and proclaim himself the cock of the walk around here. That's all changed since I laid him flat in the ring. Darth, who was there to protect me from him is undeniably what we all knew he was before. He's there to save Grimm's sorry ass. To distract me while Grimm runs up from behind like a little kid to hit me while my back is turned. I put Grimm down. I showed the world that he's a fraud. And now he's stewing over it playing childish games. This isn't a game, Grimm. That's why you lost. You don't have what it takes to face the truth. James, you're looking at the only monster on the card tonight. When it's go time, let's see if little Grimmonowski has what it takes to face the big, bad Nasty.

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I Am Groot
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In the backstage area,we see Chris Oakley standing over what looks like a very large crate;a quick pan of the camera reveals that said crate is packed to the gills with items that he clearly plans to use in his match against hardcore champ Wednesday.Golf clubs,hockey sticks,trash cans,chairs,a ladder left over from Chris' TLC match vs. the Captain of Outer Space at Robblemania XX,brass knuckles--all that and more is laid out ready for the challenger to use.However,one particular item in the crate seems to interest Chris above all else...and we soon find out what it is when he pulls it out of the crate and holds it up to the camera.

See this,Wednesday?It's got your name on it,punk.

Camera zooms in to show a baseball bat with the word "WEDNESDAY" inscribed on the side in red paint.

Hope you enjoyed your reign as RDCW hardcore champion--because it ends tonight!!!

Chris takes the bat and smashes a plastic Wednesday action figure to smithereens with it.

And Joke Mama,I've got something for you and Peasant Snarf too.I might even use this little beauty on Johnny Evil if I get the chance.

Camera fades out.

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Nowhereman is backstage with Fat Retard!

FR:"Buhgawd Nowhereman,this is it,the big showdown with your fellow countryman Charlie. How does it feel after months of feuding between you two!"

NM:"First of all Fat boy,did you notice my name? Its Nowhereman....thats NOWHEREman! I gave up any allegiance I had to one country years ago! Secondly,you call what me n Charlie have as a feud? I call it a spoilt kid trying to make a name for himself by heading straight for the top withour paying his dues,and I will be sending that kid to bed with no supper tonight. Remember the only win he has over me was via a sneak attack from behind!
Charlie likes to talk a big fight,but once he is in the ring,he has nothing to back it up with!"

FR:"Another question we all want to know is,who was it that you had distract Charlie a few weeks ago during the hardcore porn battle royale?"

NM:"You know better than to ask me a question like that. Who my mystery pal is,is really none of your business,but you will all learn soon,just who he is!"

FR:"What do you have to say about Charlies accusations that using your friend was the mark of a coward?"

NM:"Does Charlie not understand what hardcore porn rules are? Well let me spell it out for him! In hardcore there are no rules,you use anything & anyone at your disposal to win,and if Charlie aint down with that,I suggest he does us all a favour & fucks off back to Hampstead Heath or whatever gay place he lives in London!"


NM:"No! Thats it! I am done answering your stupid questions,but I do have one more thing to say!
This company has a cancer,& that cancer is called The Bastardo family!
I dont like you Louie,I dont like you Joe Mama & I certainly dont like you King Snarf. Let it be known that from this day forward you should watch your backs cause my mystery pal is just itching to prove to me that he is worthy of becoming my tag partner. Believe me,he will do anything to prove that!"

With that,Nowhereman walks off!

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Durango 95 plays, and Charlie makes his way to the ring, mic in hand and followed by Bill Williams. He climbs into the ring, and speaks, barely containing his anger

Charlie: First of all, Nowhereman, I'm from Doncaster. It's quite a bit further north than London. Secondly, you think you can beat me so easy? Well, DO YA, PUNK?!

Monroe: Charlie sounds angry?

Marcum: Why shouldn't be be? Nowhereman's insulted him

Charlie: As for your little minion, tell him to back out of our match tonight. I'll be issuing the same orders to Howlerama, and my manager, Bill Williams

Bill gets into the ring to try and calm Charlie down, but Charlie ignores him

Charlie: Also, no matter what the result tonight, I'm issuing you a challenge. One on one, asylum rules ladder match, with the Eurotrash belt on the line!

Monroe: This man is insane!

Marcum: Nowhereman's the insane one! You don't mess around with men like Charlie

Suddenly, Charlie leaves the ring and grabs Monroe, dragging him from behind the announcer's table and dragging him into the ring

Charlie: In many ways, this man represents the best of the RDCW. He has kept to his duty for over 10 years, never ceasing to stick up for the underdogs and talent like James Fantastic. This man deserves a medal!

Suddenly, Charlie grabs Monroe and hits him with The Tower of London, as the crowd gasps and then boos. Charlie then leaves to his entrance music, as ENT's rush to help Monroe

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Backstage, we see Chesty Lerou with a decidedly angry Spandex Monkey Man

CL: Spandex Monkey Man, have you anything to say ahead of your match tonight with Johnny Evil?

SMM: Damn right I have! Johnny, you can tell your friends Snarf and Joe Mama that I;m issuing an open challenge! Five Man Tag Match, RDJL vs. Bastardo Family, No DQ's, no outside interference! You got a problem with us, you go for us, you don't go for bystanders like Rosalita!

Chesty is more than a little scared by Spamm's naked rage

CL: Ah, yes...and, erm, how is Rosalita?

SMM: She'll be alright, but I've given her time off o recuperate. It's safe to say that when she comes back she'll have issues, but that's in the future

CL: What about your match tonight with Jphnny Evil?

Spamm regains a little composure, and grins like his old self

SMM: Johnny Evil might come from Chicago, but he sure as darnit ain't king of Chicago Style! There's only one king of that, and that ism e!

CL: And what about his feared maneuvre, The Making of Flubber?

SMM: Oh, I've got that covered! Here take this, and throw it at me!

Spandex hands Chesty a dustbin lid. She looks at him doubtfully, and throws it very weakly. It hits him in the head, and knocks him over

SMM: {weakly)See? I didn't catch that! How's he supposed to use his move if I don't catch the chair?

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"Los Muchachos de Hoy" bursts from the PA speakers as Los Monstruos Azules march down to the ring for their handicap match against El Superbeasto;in one hand Senor Perdicion is carrying a placard that reads EL SUPERBEASTO ES MUERTO. El Daga is brandishing a tiny plastic coffin with El Superbeasto's picture taped to the front. As the two luchadores step into the ring,"Los Muchachos de Hoy" abruptly gives way to Chopin's Funeral March,sending a very clear message--they will not be satisfied with anything less than their opponent's total destruction.
At the edge of the ring,we can see Ian Bond brandishing a cricket bat with the words "BOND BRIGADE" stenciled on the side,and glaring in the direction of the locker room area,almost as if he's daring El Superbeasto to take him on personally.
The crowd is hushed,knowing full well that an explosion can and probably will happen in the arena the second El Superbeasto and Louie Bastardo make their entrance.

Estamos El Equipo Mas Grande En El Mundo! VIVA LOS AZULES!
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*Fireworks begin to explode one by one at the foot of the rampway as Del Castillo's "Back from the Grave" fills the arena. The curtains part as the massive El Superbeasto steps out from behind them, Louie Bastardo and Grace in tow. The Legbreakererses stand on either side of Louie, doing their best secret service impressions.

El Superbeasto and the Family entourage head down to ringside. Superbeasto glaances over at Ian Bond, holding his cricket bat ready as if to strike the giant. Superbeasto laughs at his foe's manager as he climbs into the ring, over the top rope. The ring quakes under the weight of the three massive luchadores. Louie Bastardo waves at Ian, a shit eating grin on his face as the Legbreakererses stand in front of him, waiting for the brit to do something.

El Superbeasto: "Los Azules Putas, I am here at long last to put and end to you! I chased you out of Mexico, and now I will do the same here in the RDCW! It's time for you to be CHOKESLAMMED INTO OBLIVION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I will destroy all of you putas. Greetings from El Superbeasto.
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<Meeko, Captain Sammitch, and PenWing are their locker room.>

Meeko: So, we're clear on what's happening tonight?

PenWing: Crystal.

Sammitch: You sure this is how you want to play it?

<There is a knock at the door. Sammitch opens it. A dilivery boy is standing there with a boquet of lilies. Sammitch tips the young man and closes the door.>

PenWing: Who sent the lilies?

Sammitch: I don't know, let me read the card. "Dear Penwing, What's new? No hard feelings about me sending you into retirement, you stupid bastard. Love, King Snarf."

PenWing (calmly shaking his head): That sonavabitch. We are so going to kick some Bastardo butt tonight.

Meeko (smiles): Absolutely.

Marcum: What are those fools smiling about? They should be in mourning right now! King Snarf sent them lilies to help them do just that!

Monroe: Obviously, they see things differently from King Snarf! But what does Meeko have planned for the Bastardo Family?!

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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*Chesty Lerou is deep within the bowels of the CheeseDome. . .

Chesty: "Brrrr, it's cold down here. Hey, Donnie? The camera's falling down again. . .Chesty Lerou here, and I'm searching for Grimm of the Dark Lords, who will face his longtime enemy Balls Nasty tonight in the first ever Back Dock Brawl! Grimm, are you here?"

*Grimm emerges from a darkened corridor behind Chesty. He's wearing an Independants shirt with a pic of Vampira on the front, ripped jeans, and black gladiator boots. His hands and wrists are taped up with black tape.

Chesty: "Eeeepp! Uh, I mean, what is your response to Balls Nasty's comments earlier?"

*Grimm stands silently for a moment, then answers. "Balls Nasty is a puppet, dancing along at my command. I've taken his measure, and tonight I'll take his soul. The Back Dock Brawl. Tonight, it ends. Balls Nasty, I'm going to dump your bloated, disease filled carcass into a plot and leave you for the carrion eaters. Abandon all hope."

*Grimm disappears back into the corridor, as the camera refocuses on Chesty's torso.

Chesty: "It's really cold down here. Let's go back upstairs, Donnie. Donnie? My face is up here, Donnie. . ."

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*The lights dim as the Cheese-O-Tron flickers to life and the familiar RobbleMania ad music begins.

And now, another RobbleMania moment!

March 14, 2004
*We see a clip of Mxy entering the ring and finishing Captain Sammitch off with a flying scissors kick from the turnbuckle in last year's six man tag match.

This RobbleMania moment has been brought to you by. . . *The announcer's voice stops and the image on the screen is replaced by King Snarf, Joe Mama, Sneaky Bunny, and Louie Bastardo, who all say in unison: The Bastardo Family!!!!!

Monroe: "What a lowdown, dirty, thing to do! They're just trying to break Sammitch's concentration for the match later!"

Marcum: "Not only is Louie Bastardo a genius, he's an excellent filmmaker!"

Monroe: "You would think so."

Marcum: "Hey, G.I. Hoes #12 was a classic piece of cinema."

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Cut to backstage. King Snarf Rules is in the Bastardo Family locker room, mic in hand. Joe Mama is standing with him.

KSR: Champ, coming into Robblemania XXI, it seems like the Bastardo Family has a ton of enemies looking to destroy everything the Family has built. Your comments?

JM: Who are we talking about? Chris Oakley, with his vague empty threats and consistent failure? The Family has dispatched him enough times that no one fears him. He's a pathetic example of someone who realizes that their glory is gone, even as he desperately tries to cling to it.

SPAMM and the rest of his "Rapidly Deteriorating Jobber League"? He wants a ten-man tag match against the Family for what Johnny Evil did to them? Fine. We have no problem delivering yet ANOTHER beatdown! Of course, I've gotta wonder about that match...isn't it interesting how quickly SPAMM deserted Tommy, even though he was in the most immediate danger? Did the wrong League-member save the lady fair? Following that theme, does King Arthur know what's been going on between his Guenivere and Lancelot? It's like I've said about watching your own back and keeping the personal away from the business...

Nowhereman? Ah, how the mighty have fallen! It must kill him to see his former protegees, me and Sneaky Bunny, surpass him! And knowing that the Legbreakers are no longer available for him to have fight his battles must eat at him as well! Now it seems like he has some sort of deathwish - otherwise, why is he running off at the mouth about the Family? Y'know, I thought I'd seen the last of him when I finished him and the rest of the RwO off months ago. And I thought that we were even when he cost me the Eurotrash Title against Sammitch! Buddy, you want me to send you packing again? Name the time and the place...I'll end your career whenever you want!

KSR: Speaking of Captain Sammitch, you're facing him tonight for the Inter-Cunt-Inental Title. He's made references to a big surprise he has in store for you. Are you worried?

JM: Worried? About Captain Sammitch? Let me tell you something: If Nowhereman hadn't appeared and driven a bat into my skull, there'd be no "former Eurotrash Champion" next to either Sammitch's or my name. Captain Sammitch didn't win that match, Nowhereman did. And Sammitch knows it! So what's his surprise? Lemme guess - either before my match or after I retain my title, he and the man-servant PenWing are gonna jump me, maybe with some other losers they conned into joining their faction. Gee...whatta surprise!!! All that proves is that Sammitch knows he can't beat me one-on-one. I'm amazed he even signed the contract after he heard the stipulations! But the fact remains: Captain Sammitch is a two-faced, lying litle coward and, tonight, I'm going to hurt him in ways he has never imagined! Tonight, Sammitch, look forward to losing a lot of blood! Because I'm not just looking to retain MY Inter-Cunt-Inental Titles! I'm looking to destroy everything that you love, and everything you are!!!

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Lipstick Lesbian Tag Title: Divas vs. Bible Babes vs. Anibabes

The Divas came out first, arm in arm with TK.

Monroe: The Daddy Mack looks happy to back tonight!

Marcum: Anyone would be happy standing between those two!

TK helped the Divas into the ring, where they raised their titles and played up to the fans. The Bible Babes walked out next, modestly dressed in formless black ring attire and carrying their Bibles. They shouted at the Divas and the fans about their sinful lives and demanded that the Divas repent before they are judged unworthy of their titles.

Marcum: Someone needs to shut those tramps up!

As the Bible Babes continued their tirade, the Anibabes came running down the ramp and blindsided them. The Anibabes then entered the ring, and all hell broke loose. Lothar tried to get the match under control and separate the two cat fighting teams, but the Bible Babes entered the ring to pick up a quick double-team and pin, only to quickly find themselves being double teamed in opposite corners. The Divas ripped off Princess Elisa’s shirt and, in a fit of embarrassment and modesty, she ran from the ring. Batwoman was clothes lined out of the ring by Bianca, but both hit the ring floor hard. Batwoman lay unconscious on the floor while Bianca was clearly dazed by the impact. TK rushed to Bianca’s side to check on her.

Marcum: What I wouldn't give to be TK right now!

In the ring, Lothar finally was able to get the remaining competitors into their corners, but it didn't take long for the Divas to take control of the match. After a series of double-teams on her, they locked CJ up in the Three-Way, causing her to tap out and the Divas to retain the Lipstick Lesbian Tag Team titles.

Handicap Match: El Superbeasto vs. Los Monstrous Azules

As the bell rings, Perdicion and Daga strike at the giant Luchador with their props. Perdicion nails Superbeasto in the head with the plastic coffin while Daga hits him in the gut with the placard. As Ian Bond shouts instructions to the blue Luchadores from ringside, Louie Bastardo and Grace consult their laptop files.

As Los Azules beat down on El Superbeasto with punches and forearms, the giant seems to absorb their blows. Los Azules pick up Superbeasto and whip him into the ropes for a double clothesline, but Superbeasto rebounds and grabs both Azules by the throats. Screaming in rage, Superbeasto goes to choke slam them both, but Ian Bond hits the giant between the legs from outside the ring with his cricket bat.

Louie Bastardo screams at Bond from outside the ring while Grace complains to the ref as the Legbreakers go after Ian, but the former secret agent holds them at bay with his cricket bat. Los Azules attempt to set up Superbeasto for El Soplete, but Superbeasto hits both Azules with a Giant Headbutt, dropping them to the canvas of the reinforced ring.

Superbeasto bodyslams El Daga and goes for a Giant Elbow and a pin. As the ref goes for a two count, Perdicion makes the save and attempts to slam the giant. He tries to lift Superbeasto, but barely gets him off the mat. He makes a second attempt, and gets him a little higher. Finally, El Daga recovers and the two Azules slam Superbeasto down to the mat.

As El Superbeasto lies prone on the mat, Los Azules climb the turnbuckles to deliver El Soplete, but Louie Bastardo climbs up on the apron, distracting the ref. As Ian Bond runs over to get Louie off the apron, the Legbreakers shove Los Azules off of the turnbuckles. El Superbeasto grabs El Daga and delivers a Chokeslam to Oblivion. He then picks up Perdicion and delivers another Chokeslam to Oblivion. As the ref moves Louie and Ian off the apron, Superbeasto begins pacing back and forth in the ring.

Monroe: “Oh my Gob, you don’t think he’s. . .”

Marcum: “He is! We’re going to see it!”

Superbeasto bounces off of the ropes, racing past the prone Los Azules, and then bounces off again, building more momentum, then jumps upon the middle rope and springboards off, hitting the Giantsault on both members of Los Azules! As Superbeasto hits, the ref counts three as the Family celebrates in ring!

Hardcore Porn Title: Wednesday vs. Chris Oakley

Oakley comes to the ring prepared for war. He lays out golf clubs, trashcans, hockey sticks, baseball bats, chairs, and anything else left over from his previous hardcore matches. He waits for Wednesday, but after a few minutes, he gets impatient and starts calling him out. It's then that Wednesday enters the ring from behind him armed only with the Hardcore Porn belt. Wednesday runs up the Oakley and nails him in the back of the head.

Marcum: What a fool! Oakley needs to remember that he's up against the Hardcore Porn King!

Wednesday drops the title and grabs a golf club.

Wednesday: FORE!

Wednesday swings the club into Oakley's rib. He then tosses it aside and picks up a trashcan. Wednesday stand over Oakley with the trashcan, but Oakley rolls over and kicks it into Wednesday, sending him back into a ladder Oakley leaned against the ropes. Oakley gets back to his feet, climbs to the second rope, and jumps at Wednesday, hitting him with the WMD. Oakley goes for the pin, but Wednesday reaches for a fire extinguisher and sprays Oakley with it. Oakley rolls off of Wednesday, who tries to make him tap out with a sleeper hold, but Oakley nails him in the face with a pair of brass knucks a la Ken Shamrock. Oakley then whomps Wednesday with a trash can over the head, and climbs to the top rope for a frog splash only to have Wednesday duck out of the way at the last second. It's not long before both contestants are out of the ring.

Monroe: Buhgawd! We've got a Pier 6 brawl!

Wednesday and Oakley attack each other with everything that isn't nailed down (and several things that are). Oakley tries to set Wednesday up for the Full Metal Jacket, but Wednesday clobbers him over the head with the ladder. Wednesday then throws Oakley back into the ring and hits him with a German suplex. Wednesday goes for the pin, but at two and three-quarters Oakley kicks out of his pin attempt and somehow hits the Kill 'Em All. Oakley slowly gets back to his feet and picks up a hockey stick. He turns to swing at Wednesday, but Wednesday has the bat with his name on it, and blocks the stick, causing it to shatter. Wednesday then hits Oakley with the bat, sending him to the mat.

Monroe: Oakley just got hit by the same bat he saved for Wednesday!

Marcum: That's because he gave it the wrong name.

Oakley gets to his feet and grabs a chair.

Monroe: What should he have called it?

Marcum: Tuesday.

Oakley swings the chair, but Wednesday ducks out of the way.

Monroe: Tuesday?

Oakley resets himself, and Wednesday superkicks the chair into him.

Marcum: As in See You Next!

Wednesday then gives Oakley the Midweek Crunch onto the same steel chair and covers him to retain the Hardcore Porn title.

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Tag Team Match: The Legbreakers vs Punch/Counterpunch

The first of two matches between the RDJL and the Bastardo Family was an exercise in double-teams and brawling. Bibbo and I-Man were tough competitors, scoring several near-falls. But the Legbreakers’ new-found focus, coupled with Louie Bastardo and Grace handling strategy from ringside, was the difference in this match. Winged Creature used his Wings Of Fury (moonsault-into-a-747) on Bibbo to set up Stupid Doog’s Big Bark (top rope flying headbutt). The pair Took Out The Trash for good measure and scored the win.

Women’s Boobie Belt Title Match: Meeko vs Sneaky Bunny

Mind Candy’s “Fortune Teller” played as Sneaky Bunny walked alone to the ring. She entered and mocked the crowd with a big smile on her face, motioning a “title belt”across her waist. Then she curtsied to the crowd and the ref and waited for her opponent to arrive. Then “Strike It Up” started and Meeko walked out from the back. As she made her way to the ring, her stride and the look on her face showed a woman with a purpose.

Monroe: It looks like Meeko’s got payback on her mind! I’d hate to be Sneaky Bunny right now!

Madman: I’d love to be the meat in that Hottie Sandwich! All Meeko’s proven is that Sneaky Bunny is in her head!

Meeko walked up to a still-grinning Sneaky Bunny and started to shout at her, culminating in a slap to Sneaky Bunny’s face. Though the red mark was immediately visible, it did nothing to wipe the smile off Sneaky Bunny’s face. Instead, as the bell rang, Sneaky Bunny broke her grin long enough to spit in Meeko’s face. The momentary distraction was all she needed, as Sneaky Bunny immediately went to work, driving her fist into the side of Meeko’s head where she had hit the turnbuckle weeks ago.

Madman: See? Sneaky Bunny’s got a great strategy – work on Meeko’s weaknesses and save the high-flying moves until she has the advantage firmly in her favor. She was trained well by the Bastardo Family!

Monroe: These are just more cheap shots by a Bastardo!

Sneaky Bunny managed to suplex Meeko twice before Irish whipping her into the ropes. But, as Sneaky Bunny jumped up to deliver either a Huracanrana or a drop kick, Meeko grabbed onto the ropes and Sneaky Bunny’s move worked against her, sending her hard to the mat. Meeko took this opportunity to kick her opponent, driving her foot into Sneaky Bunny’s side. Meeko picked her up and delivered three German Meeko-plexes to Sneaky Bunny. Then she went for a pin, but Sneaky Bunny kicked out at the two count. As Meeko bent forward to pick up Sneaky Bunny again, she was caught off-guard as Sneaky Bunny locked in a Fireman’s Carry and delivered an East Coast Hammer from her knees, stunning the Women’s Champion.

Madman: Amazing! Sneaky Bunny is improving moves to regain the advantage! I wonder if Joe Mama is taking notes in the back! That was a great variation of his finisher!

Monroe: I’ll bet he’s just so proud!

Sneaky Bunny used the moments to lock in a Figure Four Leg-Lock on Meeko, but the Champion was able to get to the ropes, forcing the ref to break up the hold. But Sneaky Bunny was relentless and dragged Meeko away from the ropes to lock in a Boston Crab. As Meeko screamed in pain and worked her way to the ropes again…

Sneaky Bunny: Scream, you bitch! Why don’t you scream for Sammitch and PenWing to save you?!? You’ve had this coming for months!!!

Meeko finally made it to the ropes and Sneaky Bunny once again broke the hold. As Sneaky Bunny picked up Meeko, perhaps to use a Bunny Flop, Meeko started punching her in the ribs. This time it was Sneaky Bunny who was whipped into the ropes, but history repeated itself as Sneaky Bunny locked onto the ropes and moved to a ring corner as Meeko’s attempt at a Meeko-Canrana sent her to the mat. Sneaky Bunny hopped up onto the top turnbuckle and hit a Taxidermy on her fallen foe, which gave her the pin and the Women’s Boobie Belt. As “Fortune Teller started up again, Sneaky Bunny went from ring corner to ring corner, holding up her newly won title belt. Finally she left the ring and headed back to the Bastardo locker room.

Madman: So far, the Bastardo Family is a perfect three-for-three in their matches! Every one of them was won cleanly, and now Sneaky Bunny is bringing the Women’s Boobie Belt to them!

Monroe: There’s still the Inter-Cunt-Inental title and the Heavyweight Cheese Title left to be defended, and I think both Captain Sammitch and PenWing are favorites in those matches.

Madman: Meeko’s already shown that she can’t win without someone to help her. Why should those two be any different?

Eurotrash Title Match: Nowhereman vs Charlie

Nowhereman came down to the ring on his motorbike, cheered by the fans. However the cheers turned to boos when Howler and The Highwayman attacked him. The pair pummeled him for several minutes before Highwayman hit him with a Corporate Sponsor. However, Nowhereman came back from this with a vengeance, hitting the pair with a double Fucking Cuntline before climbing into the ring to face Charlie, who had arrived during his teammates' attack on the Eurotrash Champion.

Charlie started the match proper by slamming Nowhereman with a series of hard chops and kicks, before hitting him with a Zeitgeist. Nowhereman weathered the assault, however, and came back with a Cunt-Fu Kick before climbing to the top rope and hitting a flip off. However, his subsequent pin attempt failed as Charlie kicked out on one.

Marcum: Charlie's doing great! He's taken everything Nowhereman's thrown at him!

Monroe: Don't forget The Company’s attack on Nowhereman before the match! I think that might also be a factor!

Charlie's toughness would continue to serve him well throughout the match, as Nowhereman dominated, attacking Charlie from a number of different angles and keeping the comparative novice on his toes. However, Howler entered the ring and hit Nowhereman with The Lockdown whilst Bill Williams distracted the ref. He then hauled Nowhereman to his feet and subjected him to a punishing Downsizing.

Marcum: The champ's been Downsized!

Charlie then climbed the turnbuckle and hit Nowhereman with a Flip Off of his own. However, Nowhereman kicked out on one, and proceeded to hit both Howler and Charlie with a Fuck Off, taking control of the match. He went for a pin, but Charlie's arm was draped over the ropes and the ref broke the pin up. Charlie struggled to his feet and hit Nowhereman with a Big Business, before following up with Kapitalizm. This did not last, however, as Nowhereman grabbed the rope to break the hold, and then hit Charlie with a Poof Smasher before going for the pin. It looked like the match was over for Charlie, but Highwayman entered the ring to break the pin up, as Howler entered the ring from the other side to distract the ref.

Nowhereman then completely flipped out, grabbing Highwayman and performing multiple Poof Smashers and Fuck Off's before grabbing his ebony baseball bat and attack Highwayman with it. However, in his rage he forgot about Charlie, who hauled himself to his feet and hit Nowhereman with a low blow. However, Charlie was too exhausted to follow up, and made the mistake of pausing in his assault to regain some of his strength.

It was not long before Nowhereman got back to his feet and hit Charlie with a Fucking Cuntline, before once again ascending to the top rope to hit a Flip Off and pin. This time, Charlie failed to kick out, allowing Nowhereman to claim a punishing victory.

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Back Dock Brawl: Grimm vs. Balls Nasty

The Cheese-O-Tron flickers to life as the cameras on the back dock activate. We see Balls Nasty standing, awaiting his foe with a bucket filled with old food, condiments, and sauces. Balls is smiling and nodding his head. “Come on out, Little Grimminowski. Balls is waiting for you.”

Nasty loses his smile as Grimm drops on him from the roof above with an axe handle, knocking him over and causing the contents of the bucket to spill over both men. The two trade punches as they go down fighting on the cement. Nasty wraps Grimm in a headlock and runs forward, bulldogging Grimm’s head into the side of a metal trash dumpster.

Nasty picks up a broom and slams it over Grimm’s back, breaking the utensil in half! Nasty lifts Grimm up and prepares for a move, but Grimm wraps him in a waist lock and delivers an overhead suplex, slamming Nasty on top of a grease dumpster. As the two brawled, a tall, overweight man in a chef coat, carrying a bundle of Oreos runs out onto the dock, screaming, “What is it? WHAT IS IT?!?!”

As the man runs over to the two gladiators, they both stop and look at him. Nasty kicks the man in the gut and delivers a Tavernsmasher to him. As the man flops over his torso pops up and Grimm hits him with a Crapping Wizard! Oreos go flying everywhere.

Grimm grabs an Oreo and munches on it, spitting the cookie into Nasty’s face as the arena crowd goes wild! Nasty grabs an empty beer keg and slams it over Grimm’s head, dropping him down to the ground.

Nasty climbs up on top of a large rack filled with firewood. Nasty goes off delivering the Kentucky Falls onto Grimm! Lothar goes for the count, but Grimm kicks out at two! Nasty goes for an elbow smash, but Grimm rolls out of the way, as Nasty’s elbow hits the cement!

Grimm picks Nasty up and dumps him on top of a used linen bin. Standing his foe up, Grimm grabs him around the throat and delivers a Kobe Special, taking both men off the top of the linen bin and into one of the garbage dumpsters!

As both men disappear into the dumpster, the CheeseDome crowd erupts into an “RDCW! RDCW! RDCW!” chant!

Several moments pass, and Grimm emerges from the dumpster, climbing out, covered in garbage. Nasty soon follows, also covered in garbage.

Grimm grabs a mop bucket and dumps the dirty mop water on his foe, then drops the bucket over his head, followed up with a clothesline! Grimm hits the crucifix pose and picks Nasty up. Nasty hits a low blow, and Grimm drops down.

Nasty picks Grimm up and goes for a Camero Cut, but Grimm escapes and hits a Triple 6 Bomb, busting Nasty open on the pavement. As Nasty lay on the pavement, Grimm applies the Grimmlock, going for the submission. Lothar asks Nasty if he wants to quit. Nasty refuses to quit, but Grimm continues to apply the pressure. Blood covering his face, Nasty struggles to escape, but finally passes out from the pain. Lothar awards the match to Grimm. Grimm continues to hold the Grimmlock on until Darth appears and aids Lothar in breaking the hold. Within the CheeseDome, Grimm’s music plays as the crowd celebrates!

Inter-Cunt-Inental Title Match: Joe Mama vs Captain Sammitch

“Let’s Get It Started” had barely begun when Captain Sammitch made his way to the ring, noticeably with Meeko, PenWing, or his Bo staff. His face was a mask of intensity and determination. He entered the ring and, with only a slight acknowledgement to the crowd, stood in the center of the ring, waiting for Joe Mama to arrive.

Monroe: That is a man with revenge on his mind! He knows what’s at stake and what he has to do. Captain Sammitch is a true Champion!

Madman: (pulling out a sheet of paper) I would speak to soon, Monroe! Joe Mama isn’t here yet and you KNOW he’s looking to avenge the loss of his Eurotrash Title!

Monroe: What’s that paper in your hands?

Madman: Oh, YOU’LL find out! Let’s just say that it’s good to have insider information!

The Black-Eyed Peas faded out and “Faded” blasted over the speakers. Joe Mama walked out of the back and down the ramp. There was no sign of Louie, Grace, or any other Bastardo Family member anywhere is the ring area. Joe Mama’s face was completely devoid of expression as he entered the ring and stood toe-to-toe with Sammitch. As the two stared each other down, barely noticing the ref sliding the Title belt off Joe’s shoulder, Joe raised his arm towards the timekeeper and gestured that he wait a few moments before ringing the bell.

JM: I’m going to destroy you tonight, Sammitch. There’s no one here to save you this time…

CS: I’ve got no problem facing you alone, you goddamned traitor! There’s no doubt in my mind that I can beat you…and I WILL beat you tonight!

JM: No, Sammitch. You won’t. This is the Bastardo Family’s night. Sneaky Bunny took the title from Meeko. King Snarf will walk away the Champion. And this match is an inevitability…the “good guys” don’t get to win tonight.

CS: We’ll see, Joe…let’s get this started!!!

JM: One more moment…let the fans savor the quiet before the war…

Both competitors stood, glaring at each other, as a hush fell over the arena. After almost an eternity, Joe Mama snapped his hand to his side and the bell rang. Both men started slamming fists into each other’s head, with neither man budging under his opponent’s attacks. Captain Sammitch ducked under a swing and turned the dodge into a belly-to-belly suplex. Joe Mama stood up as Sammitch rushed to hit him with a clothesline, ducked, and executed an Enforcer, driving Sammitch to the mat. From there, the Champion continued the onslaught, driving his fists into Sammitch. But the challenger was able to fight off his back and deliver some gut shots of his own.

Monroe: We’re a minute into this match and already the intensity level’s off the charts!

Madman: It’s no quarter asked, and none given!

Captain Sammitch was able to gain a quick advantage and managed to hit a series of suplexes. He tried to press it with the Sammitch Spin, but Joe Mama had the presence of mind to use Sammitch’s momentum to execute the Turkish Throw, using the Greco-Roman move to send his opponent through the ropes and onto the ring floor. However, instead of following him out, Joe Mama stepped back and allowed the ref to make his count.

Monroe: I hate to admit it, but this is a smart move by Joe Mama. It gives Captain Sammitch a chance to catch his breath but, by not acting impulsively, he’s keeping control of the pacing and the match firmly on his side.

Madman: I told you, Monroe! The Family had their matches scouted and planned perfectly! We’re about to see the Bastardos go four-for-four!!!

As Captain Sammitch stepped through the ropes and the ref counted to seven, Joe Mama rushed forward and drove an elbow into the back of the Challenger’s head. Then he pulled Sammitch through the ropes and continued working on the back of Sammitch’s neck with a series of blows that sent him to his knees. Joe Mama pulled Sammitch up and Irish whipped him into the ropes, then caught him and hit a Power Slam in the center of the ring.

Madman: (referring to the paper) He refers to the as the REAL “Sammitch Slam”!

Monroe: Is that what that is? A move list???

The Champion went for the pin, but Sammitch broke it after the one count. As Joe Mama pulled him up to his feet, Captain Sammitch hit him with chops to the ribs. But Joe mama raked Sammitch’s eyes, punched him in the back of the neck, and ran to the ropes, where he ricocheted and hit a bulldog.

Madman: That’s the “Sammitch Sling”…

Another pin broken up at the one count. Joe Mama started punching Captain Sammitch again, but the ref pulled the Family member away, shouting at him about closed fists. This gave Sammitch a break, which he capitalized on by grabbing Joe Mama and hitting four German suplexes in a row, making sure to drive his opponent’s head into the mat. Captain Sammitch quickly pulled Joe Mama to the top rope and started to set up his own Sammitch Slam, but the Champion had enough gas in the tank to block the power bomb and half pull, half throw Captain Sammitch to the mat. Then he picked up his stunned opponent and set up the standing suplex. But, instead of pulling him over to finish the suplex, Joe Mama drove him headfirst to the mat with a devastating Brain Buster.

Monroe: My GAWD!!! I haven’t seen that move in years!!!

Madman: He’ll come up with a permanent name later but, for now, it’s the “Sammitch Splat”.

Joe Mama hooked Sammitch’s leg as the ref counted the pin.

Chicago-Style Match: Johnny Evil vs Spandex Monkey Man

Johnny Evil won. He probably managed to shove Spandex Monkey Man into Joe Mama’s locker. Or maybe he got that picture of SPAMM with a cardboard cutout of Richard Simmons.

Monroe: That’s EVIL!

Madman: Truly EVIL!!


But the match never made it to the ring. There was probably a few moments when SPAMM caught Johnny Evil rooting through Rosalita’s locker, looking for a left shoe, and that’s when there was something resembling a wrestling match. And I’m sure that SPAMM almost managed to jam Johnny Evil into a school bus…or a yellow car…or a yellow golf cart. These things all probably happened. I’d be willing to bet good money that both Rosalita AND Ariel looked gorgeous, and that the ensuing catfight between them was VERY sexy...

Madman: You bet it was!

Monroe: No argument here.

But we’ll never know how Johnny Evil won. Because neither man sent this humble narrator the Recap. So sit back and try to imagine the most wild, intense gimmick match you’ve ever seen. Picture the most heroic man in the RDCW battling against the most EVIL(!!!) man. Fill in the blanks with the comedy and sexiness that you’d expect from these two competitors and their valets. And, in your mind, cheer and boo at all the right parts. But don’t do it now. ‘Cause I didn’t get the Recap…

(Probably would’ve been a Match Of The Year contender, too…)

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The following message is paid for by Drzsmith

Footage of an interview with MisterJLA, set in his locker room at an undisclosed location. In the background, a beautiful gold belt can be seen, enclosed in a glass case.

JLA is seated on a bench. He appears to be mildly annoyed and bored.

"Robblemania. The biggest losers of this event will be the fans. I looked through the matchups, and I see so many pointless championship matches.

The Eurotrash title? Please. What does the RDCW boast? Three European wrestlers? That deserves a championship? The only reason Now here man is the champ, is because the other two guys don't want to get in the ring with him, for fear of him rubbing himself all over them. He considers a "win" when he blows his wad all over himself.

Why is Oakley challenging for a Porn title? I thought he was too much of a prude to view porn. The porn involving people, anyway.

I see that Joe Mama is the Intercuntenintal Title holder. I'm not going to argue that point. That belt was made for him. And Joe, that wasn't a compliment.

The rest of this card isn't even worth mentioning. Don't get me wrong, what I've already discussed was beneath me too, but I figured I'd let my legions of fans know what I think of this sham of a league.

For those of you who don't know me yet, (listen up, both of you) I am the Undefeated DCMB World Intercontinental Hardcore United States Television champion. (Points to the display case) To get this prestigious title, I defeated moderators, junior members, and spammers alike. No one was safe from the fury of my finisher, Final Justice.

Even though the DCMB had an impressive roster, I decided to leave with my belt to pursue new challenges, or should I say victims. I was thinking of making Pig Iron, and his boytoy Ghost Hog, my first victims, but I see they are not even talented enough to make the Robblemania card. Maybe I'll catch them when they are finishing up cleaning the floors once the event is over.

Whatever happens, rest assured I will defend the only legitimate title to ever grace the RDCW honorably. If I take a few RDCW championships along the way, that will be a minor bonus. I won't challenge for the Eurotrash belt, though. It's not worth it.

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World Heavyweight Cheese Title: King Snarf vs. Son of Mxy vs. PenWing

"When It All Goes Wrong Again" by Everclear blasts over the speakers as the Heavyweight Cheese champion, King Snarf, makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Louie Bastardo and Grace. King Snarf enters the ring and raises the Heavyweight Cheese Title for the booing fans. Louie Bastardo takes a seat between Mike "The Mouth" Monroe and Madman Marcum at the announce table.

Marcum: It is with great pleasure that I welcome the head of the Bastardo Family, Louie Bastardo.

Louie: And it is with great pleasure, that I sit next to the greatest announcer in RDCW history, Madman Marcum! How are you?

Marcum: I'm great! And you know what? I look gooood.

Monroe: Oh, please.

Bastardo: Who is this fucktard in the cowboy hat?

Jimmie's Chicken Shack's "Dropping Anchor" plays, and Son of Mxy heads down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He enters the ring and stares at King Snarf, motioning that the title will be his at the end of the match.

Marcum: I cannot believe that the board of directors let Son of Mxy in this match! You can't just walk into a Big Cheese title match!

Monroe: Son of Mxy's feet never hit the ground in the Rumble, Madman! He was never eliminated! He has a right to be here!

Bastardo: That little punk should go back to turning tricks on street corners! He's done nothing to deserve a Big Cheese title shot!

Monroe: Doesn't being the longest reigning Lightweight Faggot Champion count for something?

Bastardo: Maybe in Rob Kamphausen's bedroom it does, but not to the Family! Let me ask you a question, Big Mouth Monroe. When was the last time Son of Mxy defended that title?

Monroe: When was the last time Snarf defended his title?

Bastardo: That's not the point here!

Marcum: Stop badgering Louie! He's a genius!

Suddenly, the Cheesedome goes dark. A bell rings three times and we see James White in the ring holding a small tape recorder. He presses the play button, holds it up to the mic and soon Michael Buffer's voice is heard over the speakers: "Ladies and gentlmen, welcome, to the main event! Let's Get Ready To Rumble!" The lights come back as "Get Ready 4 This" by 2 Unlimited plays. PenWing is standing at the top of the ramp with Meeko, the Tag Team Donkey Lovin' title belt around his waiste and his Sherwood raised high above his head. PenWing is wearing an orange Bobby Clarke Philadelphia Flyers' jersey, and his black wrestling pants now feature orange knee pads. The already cheering crowd roars even lowder as PenWing and Meeko make their way to the ring. King Snarf is visibly fuming at the insult PenWing is handing him by wearing his hometown hero's jersey.

Marcum: What a cheap attempt by PenWing to win affection from these fans!

Bastardo: Those are the kind of pitiful attempts that Meeko's Minions have to use to get over with the fans and the board of directors. They don't have what it takes to be Family members. Real men like Joe Mama, King Snarf, Johnny Evil, El Superbeasto. . .

Marcum: Louie Bastardo. . .

Bastardo: Thank you, Madman, and yes myself. Real men, we just go out there and take what we want without giving a crap about the humanoids.

Monroe: I can't believe what I'm hearing here! Those people, the fans, make it possible for all of us to do what we love! And you're out here berating them!

Bastardo: Yes I am! Louie Bastardo is a real man and only associates with those who aren't afraid to do what it takes to succeed!

PenWing hands Meeko his belt and Sherwood, and enters the ring. Lothar signals for he bell, and both SoM and Snarf grab PenWing's arms and whip him into the ropes, following up with a double clothesline.

Monroe: This is all wrong! Both Son of Mxy and King Snarf are working together to take out PenWing! This is going to play right into King Snaf's hands!

Marcum: There's nothing wrong with working together. The knuckledead should have been expecting this!

PenWing gets back to his feet, and turns right into the STF. SoM goes for the cover, but Snarf grabs him from behind and locks in the headlock.

Louie: This will be Snarf's greatest victory! In a moment, Son of Mxy will tap to the headlock, and Snarf will retain the Heavyweight Cheese title in record time!

SoM struggles in the lock, but he can't break it.

Marcum: He's going to pass out if he doesn't tap soon!

Louie: No one escapes the headlock!

Snarf doesn't notice PenWing crawling around behind him. Quickly, PenWing grabs Snarf from behind, breaking the headlock and rolling him up for a two-count. Snarf kicks out, sending PenWing backwards, into the ropes. PenWing stops himself, and as snarf gets to his feet, PenWing runs over to him, grabs his arm, and sends him into the ropes. PenWing quickly spears him, completing a Drag 'n Whip. PenWing goes for the cover, but SoM pulls Snarf out of the pin to break the count. PenWing gets back to his feet only to walk into another STF.

Marcum: You'd think the knucklehead would've learned by now!

Before SoM can go for the pin, Snarf grabs him and delivers a kneck breaker. Not satisfied, Snarf goes to the corner ropes. Before he can execute the Wildsault, PenWing gets back to his feet and runs to the corner. He grabs Snarf and delivers a suplex from the second rope. Meeko cheers outside the ring.

Monroe: PenWing delivered a second-rope Meeko-plex!

PenWing, with his arms still locked around Snarf, gets them both back to their feet and delivers another Meeko-plex. The crowd errupts. PenWing delivers a third Meeko-plex. The crowd starts to count.

Crowd: Four! Five! Six!

As he completes the sixth Meeko-plex, PenWing releases Snarf.

Monroe: Buhgawb! PenWing just schooled Snarf!

PenWing goes for the cover, but SoM breaks the count. SoM grabs PenWing and delivers a Mxyplex of his own. He follows it up with two more Mxyplexes.

Marcum: Now the knucklehead is getting schooled!

As SoM goes for the cover, Snarf climbs the corner ropes and executes a perfect Wildsault, land right on top of both SoM and PenWing, but the force of the landing cause Snarf to roll off. All three wrestlers appear knocked out in the ring, with SoM still covering PenWing.

Monroe: What an amazing feet of daring by King Snarf, but it may have cost him the title!

Before Lothar can go for the count, Grace climbs the apron and starts to enter the ring. Lothar runs to Grace to prevent her from interfering the match. The crowd booes.

Monroe: This is disgraceful! This match should be over!

Marcum: Can you blame Lothar for prefering to flirt with Grace?

Monroe: He's not flirting with her! She's trying to interfere in the match!

Bastardo: She's just trying to check on King Snarf!

Snarf takes advantage, gets back to his feet and gives SoM a Bastardbomb. He doesn't notice Meeko, who walks around the ring, grabs Grace's legs, and pulls her off the ring apron and to the ground. Grace hits her head on the way down and lies unconscious on the floor.

Marcum: She can't do that!

Louie: Sonuvabitch! I guess it's time for the patriarch to take things in hand. Pay attention, boys, this is how you get things done!

Lothar checks on Grace as Louie throws down his headset and walks over to Meeko, yelling at her. Meeko jumps up onto the ring apron and runs towards Louie. She jumps onto him and sends him flying to the ground with a Meekocanrana.

Monroe: I guess that's how you get things done!

Snarf does notice this, and he goes to exit the ring. Lothar gets back onto the ring apron to try and stop him, but Snaf pushes him out of his way. Lothar hits the ground and signals for the bell.

Monroe: Lothar called the match, and now Snarf's going after Meeko!

Meeko runs to grab PenWing's Sherwood, and Snarf stops.

Meeko: Come on! You want a piece of me?

Captain Sammitch races down the ramp and the crowd cheers. Snarf turns around too late, and Sammitch hits him with a Staff Meeting.

Monroe: The Champ is down!

Marcum: That was a very bad move by Sammitch! Here comes the cavalry!

The Legbreakererses race down the ramp. Both Sammitch and Meeko meet them at the bottom. Meeko nails Winged Creature with a British Columbia Two-hander, and Sammitch shaters his staff on Stupid Doog. The tag team drops, but out comes Joe Mama and Johnny Evil.

Marcum: This is the end for Meeko and Sammitch!

Sammitch tells Meeko to get behind him, and he braces for battle. Meeko decides instead to grab a chair. As Sammitch gets sandwiched between Joe and Johnny, Meeko sneaks up behind Jojnny Evil and knocks him out with the chair.

Monroe: What a sneak attack by Meeko!

Marcum: But here comes Sneaky Bunny!

The new women's champion, Sneaky Bunny, comes barreling down the ramp. She runs at Meeko and knocks her out with the Women's Boobie Belt. She then turns to help Joe take on Sammitch, but Nuriko and Two-Ton Tommy run down the ramp.

Marcum: What the hell are they doing here!?

Nuriko runs up to Sneaky and starts trading punches, while Joe sends Sammtich into the ring steps. Tommy then catches Joe Mama by surprise for a Tommybomb.

Monroe: Two-Ton Tommy just took out Joe Mama!

Nuriko then executes Sudden Death on Sneaky Bunny.

Monroe: Buhgawb! Nuriko just gave Sneaky Bunny Sudden Death!

Macum: That's fucked up! That ain't right!

El Superbeasto finally comes down the ramp. He picks up Tommy and Chokeslams him to Oblivion. Nuriko reaches under the ring and pulls out a Sherwood.

Marcum: Why do they let PenWing keep them there?

She runs at El Superbeasto and breaks the stick on his back with a BC 2-hander. This only makes El Superbeasto mad.

Monroe: Somebody stop this monster! He's going after Nuriko!

As if on cue, the "One and Only" James Fantastic races down the ramp, guitar in hand. In the ring, PenWing is back on his feet. As James Fantstic smashes his guitar on El Superbeasto, PenWing runs to the ropes. He jumps on top of them, and spring boards into the air, grabbing the giant luchadore's head and bringing him down with Sudden Death. Fantastic runs to the apron, jumps onto it, and leaps off to deliver The One and Only.

Monroe: Buhgawb! What a highlight reel!

With the Bastardo family down outside the ring, PenWing gets back in ring. SoM, back on his feet, rolls out of the ring as James Fantastic rolls King Snarf back in. Snarf gets to his feet and runs at PenWing, but PenWing whips him into the ropes and conects with a Spin-o-rama to finish of a Super Drag 'n Whip. PenWing then climbs the corner ropes and lands the High Holy Howe on King Snarf. Sammitch helps Meeko into the ring, while Two-Ton Tommy assists Nuriko. Fantastic grabs a mic and hands it to Meeko. He then enters the ring himself while Tommy rolls Snarf out. The Bastardo Family collects itself at the bottom of the ramp.

Meeko: Louie Bastardo! The family's reign of terror is over! As PenWing likes to say, Sudden Death starts now! WE are SD-6!

"Gonna Fly Now" blasts over the speakers as Robblemania comes to an end.

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