Sex and the City 2
Sex and the City 2 :dvd sales. Carrie and her stylist gals are reuniting for the big screen once again. This time being, economic downfall in the country plays a significant part in the fab four's dilemmas disney dvd collection. Since the first "Sex and the City" movie performed well commercially with a worldwide total of $415.3 million in 2008, such similar success could be expected from "Sex and the City 2"(ishiner).

Also, it will be nice to see how award-winning costume designer Patricia Field does her magic star trek next generation dvd on dressing up the girls with her chic wardrobe amidst the crisis. And, Carrie and Mr. Big could be seen expecting their little one. Don't forget that there will be cameo appearances from star trek enterprise dvd Disney star Miley Cyrus and Academy Award-winning actress Penelope Cruz as well.

What's more, "Tron Legacy", "Saw VII", "Little Fockers", csi miami dvd "Shrek Forever After", "Toy Story 3", "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse"and "Iron Man 2" are worth expecting.