Originally Posted By: iggy
I was just jesting, Pro. I understand completely. Some friends from high school and I have something similar every year, as well.

Oh, sorry if I came off abrasive. Wasn't intentional. I've been drunk for the past three days, so I'm relatively hung-over for the next 48 hours...

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
If Lord Gob himself skipped into DrunkenCon would you have met him?

Nah. Not unless it was something important. Besides, Gobert would be too busy with all of the Spartans...

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
some of Pro's shit dont stink personality actually slips into his posts from time to time....

True, that's a fact I don't deny. I make no excuses for who I am, though. No one's perfect. Except for PJP.