Fishing permit violations. A blue-collar husband who racked up a DUI citation as a 22-year-old. An unmarried teenage daughter who is pregnant and a nasty child custody battle involving a family member.

All of this, to one degree or another, has surfaced in recent days as a result of efforts to discredit or undermine Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. But these revelations may have the opposite effect: In one sense, they could reinforce how remarkably unremarkable she is.


Fair point.

However...Palin is being presented as a stauch proponent of family values. She supports abstinance only education and her teenage daughter pops up pregnant. That's pretty inconvenient.

She's supposed to be a reformer that opposed "the Bridge to Nowhere" and is against pork barrel earmarks yet this article tells a different story. Looks like another "for it before I was against it" deal.

The Trooper-gate scandal may be a rallying point for some people but, she originally said that her office had nothing to do with the firing of the Public Safety Commissioner nor did it try to pressure him into firing her former brother in law. She had to walk back on that one after an investigation revealed that half dozen members of her staff had made more than 2 dozen calls trying to get the guy fired. Not to mention that a tape came out with one of her aides talking to the commissioner saying that she wanted the guy gone.

The brother-in-law seems like a scumbag and nobody is really going to hold it against her if she tried to use her clout to fuck with him. The problem is it looks like she fired an innocent guy just because he didn't do what she wanted AND she lied about being even peripherally involved. That's two different ethical issues she looks to be on the wrong side of.

It is what it is. Could be that all the stuff that's coming out about her will just serve to energize the Right even more and make them rally around her.

But, it would seem to me that even supporters of McCain have got to wonder about his vetting process if his campaign didn't know about all this stuff before he picked her.

And if he did know about all of it, then seems like you'd have to seriously question his judgement for picking her when there were better, more qualified candidates out there without all the baggage.

Betcha Ridge or Leiberman are looking a lot better to some of McCain's senior aides right now...

Hell, McCain would probably take Rudy right now.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love