Actually, bsams, the pick has me worked up not even a lttle bit. I posted earlier that I think picking Palin hands Obama the election, remember? I posted just because I found it interesting that besides being uniquely unqualified to be tapped as VP, Palin also appears to be a hypocrit and unethical to boot.

And regarding these articles you refer to? There are probably at least as many saying that the vetting process was cursory at best. There are articles out there saying that no McCain staffers even went to Alaska to interview her or her associates. There are articles saying that no one from the McCain campaign even examined the archives of local newspapers. There are articles that say there was very little vetting of Palin other than a couple of conversations with McCain and a look at some of her financial records. It appears that the only reason McCain picked her is cuz she's hot and she's against abortion. Those might be cool reasons to choose someone you're trying to bone but, prolly not the best reasons to choose your VP...unless he's trying to bone her.

And your gas station lady...? I think that choosing a candidate based on race, gender etc. is silly as well. But to choose based on somebody getting "picked on"...? The woman is obviously an idiot. I prefer to give most people a little more credit than that.

Seems like you would at least ask yourself the question...Why would McCain choose a running mate that is virtually unknown by most of the country and carries around a lot of baggage that may have a negative effect within his own party?

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love