Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
Is it over exageration to say that before last Friday Gov. Palin was unknown to a majority of Americans?

Prolly not.

Is it whomodian to note that her closet contains several skeletons that might not be particularly helpful in the next few months before the election?


My so-called analysis of Gov. Palin amounts to posting facts about her that have been widely reported.

THIS is analysis of the Palin pick. You may not agree with it but, it is a distinct possibility.

And before you get it twisted, make note: I just posted it and allowed for the possibility. Once again, I think Obama will win regardless.

Your "facts" are, in reality, an examination of controversies that allege certain things about Palin. And this examination is complemented by deceitful terms like "skeletons" and "baggage" that serve as figurative intensifiers which end up inflating the citations.

Without going over every point of your article of choice, it's easy enough for me to point out that it's a congealment of half-assed predictions based on what you and the author feel qualifies as "baggage."

The only real concrete development the author and you grab onto is the teen-pregnancy. And certainly it won't be helpful for Palin or McCain, but the way you're trying to manipulate the situation, it's being made out to be a major impediment rather than a minor nuisance. The most that its scrutiny by the leftist blog-o-sphere does is make the democrats look bad--Which is why Obama told them to shut their mouths.

There are any number of reasons why McCain would pick an unknown. They could be just as easily positive as they are negative. In which case, I can easily see the choice of Palin being used to combat Obama's attempt to maintain a monopoly on ticket variety. But I also see that she is more conservative than McCain and that directly addresses right-wing concerns that the ticket is too left of center.