Mitt Romney, in his prepared remarks, takes a veiled shot at Michelle Obama's line earlier this year that she was, for the first time, proud to be American.

"Just like you, there has never been a day when I was not proud to be an American," Romney will say, according to remarks released by the GOP.

The line prompted instant outrage from Obama's campaign.

“Barack Obama has said that families are ‘off-limits,’ and we thought that John McCain agreed. But tonight, John McCain’s handpicked attack dog, Mitt Romney, exposed the fake outrage that the Republicans have been peddling all week as the blatant hypocrisy that it is," Obama adviser Anita Dunn said in a statement. "The McCain team’s disgusting attack on Barack Obama's wife shows they would rather generate false outrage to distract from their own problems than talk about the issues facing the American people. Mitt Romney’s attack on a candidate’s wife is as pathetic as his failed presidential campaign."

In fact, there have been occasional jibes at both wives, with state party organizations in particular whacking away at Cindy and Michelle. But the Democratic convention was free, I think, even of jokes about private planes, beer money and Miss Buffalo Chip, at least from the podium.

Romney's jibe, while it doesn't name her, does seem aimed at Michelle.

Somehow Barack Obama's campaign has made it politically incorrect to state you are proud of America. His anti-american crusade is almost complete.