According to Time Magazine, the allegation she asked the librarian about "banning books" comes from John Stein, the guy she defeated in the Mayor's race.

I'd like to see a source for the story that isn't her political opponent before I get too worked up over it.

Also, even if you accept her opponent's version (as reported in Time), it still sounds like the inquiry was a hypothetical in response to constituent demands and not an actual plan for her administration.

I should also probably point out, MEM, that Palin's hardly the first female politician to call for censoring things.

It's not my favorite part of her alleged platform. However, as I mentioned a couple of weeks about, the politicians we have tend on both sides of the aisle tend to want to censor more than I'm comfortable, largely (and unfortunately) because the majority of Americans seem to want government to "protect" them from unpleasant thoughts.