I can see why McCain thinks he and Palin are soul mates.


While Republican Presidential candidate John McCain's been ducking reported infidelity claims, there's no denying his cheatin' ways with first wife, Carol - the woman who waited for him when he was a P.O.W.

McCain met Carol, a former swimsuit model, when he was attending Annapolis during the 1950s. At the time, she was married to another cadet with whom she had two children.

After being freed by the Viet Cong, McCain discovered Carol had been disfigured in a serious car accident.

"When he saw Carol was not the beauty he left behind, he started running around on her," Ted Sampley, a Special Forces Viet Nam vet and McCain pal said.

"Eventually, he met Cindy, and she was young and beautiful and very wealthy."

The ex-Mrs. McCain, Carol, now 70, evidently has no complaints.

According to the Britain's Mail, Johnny Mac agreed to pay for Carol's medical care for the rest of her life -- in exchange for a divorce.

And i'm glad The Enquirer decided to recount this common knowledge story again. It may be common knowledge but not to the low info voters who read the Enquirer though....

McCain's cheating heart. Irrefutable.

Ok, this is pretty funny and a bit creepy.

John McCain's Wandering Eyes (New Video)

Read some of the comments from the Jed Report

And here's some of my favorite captions posted by viewers of the first version of the video:

* Awkward.
* "As long as I have this ring on, no one can see me...right?"
* McCain had actually been eyeing Palin for a while
* John McCain's 'Rove'-ing Eyes
* He's looking at her . . . podium! Yeah, that's it! He's checking out her podium!
* Nice shoes!
* I guess this brings a whole new meaning to "vice" president.
* Careful Sarah! He might take you to Sturgis!

And so Bristol Palin's pregnancy is a blessed event now according to the spin meisters of the far right? So what would happen if it was one of the Obama girls who were 16 and pregnant and unwed? Eh?

Would O'Reilley bloviate about how irresponsible and a bad mother Michelle Obama is and how her family is a disaster? Most likely. Gotta love the hypocrisy of the right.