Bat-Boy Persecuted By GOP Becasue Of Obama Endorsement

Loveable Mutant, Bat-Boy was chased today by police attempting to arrest him on orders from the GOP. Apparently after his stunning endorsement today, GW Bush pulled over 100 from guarding the exits from New Orleans to pursue him.

Well, well, well it looks like the GOP's true colors show again!

I'm busy babysitting Zzap's kids this weekend but I'll be back later to post a link to the true story of John McCain being "shot down" in Vietnam, according to my sources at the National Enquirer he was smuggling Gremlins into Vietnamese sweat shops!

There's your war hero!

“The House Republican brand is so bad right now that if it were a dog food, they’d take it off the shelf, also they would kill babies” said retiring Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.)

"Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican Party much more than the Democrats have, perhaps even more than Fonzie surfing in boots." - Barry Goldwater

20 years, millions of scapegoats, and hundreds of denials later(but they sure looked cool)