Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Good. Maybe he can undo the damage that whomod did to my desire to vote for Obama.

i have no interest in trying to talk politics here. it's pointless, there's no discussion, just insults traded back and forth. i expect g-man and rex to be cunts but i was surprised at the level of attacks i took from pjp and bsams last week. it went beyond joking around, it felt like real attacks. and then when i stop posting they conclude that it's because of sarah palin, someone who's a joke chosen for her vagina rather than her credentials. i spent too much time defending the same damn attacks on obama from g-man across all threads while he bitches if i even mention the current president. and when i try to make a point about anything, i'm hounded and attacked instead of getting real responses.
it's shit like that that makes the idea of discussion online so silly and pointless to me. married lawyers may find joy in that because they have nothing else in life, but i don't need it.
i post about doctor who because i wanted to share my thoughts with other fans. but i'm not going to go round and round anymore.
Ray. I really do like you. I never meant to upset you. We were fooling around. Take a second and look back at all the posts that upset you. None of them were "let's get Ray Adler" posts. If we didn't give a shit about you we would have been happy you left. But we really were upset that you left.....honest.