Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
that actually does clear things up for me. especially using Rememberance (i've seen clips on youtube but not the whole episode)to explain the backward state that Hartnell encountered.
I suppose the time travel aspect of the series leads to confusion at times and your brief summary is probably the clearest it'll get.

I'm certain there are more detailed sites out there that can do a better, more "researched" job. Honestly, though, due to the real-world fact that no one could have foreseen Doctor Who lasting as long as it has, certain aspects of continuity will never actually gel. It's best not to scrutinize too hard, really.

i really don't get the Daleks. They're good, but not great. I really see no difference between them and the Cybermen. I like them but don't get the "mania" and popularity.

Yep Couldn't agree more. The Daleks have always been "Meh" to me. Hand on my heart, the only three Dalek stories that I can watch more than once are Genesis of the Daleks, Dalek, and The Stolen Earth/Journey's End. For some reason, it seems to me that their earlier comparison with Nazis is what stimulated the cultural passion for them with UK fans. The rest of the world just sees them as very loud, psychotic, questionable robot-things. I've always liked the (original) Cybermen better, anyway.

This Master restitution thing was the TV movie where he was executed on Skarro and the Doctor was running errands for them by taking his remains, right?

Yeah, and the title of the act and all comes from the novelization, anyway. So, it's up to you to decide whether it applies or not. It works for me, therefore I use it. That's the beauty about certain aspects of Doctor Who in multiple media (audios, novels, comic strips, etc). It's up to the fan to decide what's canon and what's not.

BTW, if you ever want to get into the 8th Doctor, and can get into audio plays, I suggest Big Finish audios. This series of full-scale audio adventures pretty much defines Paul McGann's Doctor beyond his only TV Movie outing. Also, Doctor's 5, 6, & 7 (plus companions) have their own ongoing audio "unseen" adventures. You should check out the site.

Of course, you still have a lot of the tv episodes to go first, I'd imagine. Lucky bastard...