Montana Republicans say they received a morale boost thanks to this week's Republican National Convention in Minneapolis/St.Paul.

Montana GOP Chairman Erik Iverson said the state party, which suffered a major setback in the last election cycle when Democrat Jon Tester unseated three-term incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns, is beginning to rally in the final two months before the Nov. 4 general election.

"I think five months ago, psychologically, the party really hadn't recovered that well from 2006 mid-term elections," Iverson said. "We lost both houses of Congress and a Senate seat here in Montana. President (George) Bush, and the Republican brand in general, really weren't doing very well in the polls. It seems now that we have a candidate, in John McCain, who is defying the problems that Republicans are having nationally."

Republicans in Montana are especially energized by the addition of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to the No. 2 spot on the presidential ticket. Iverson said Palin, a popular Republican governor of a Western state, gives Montana conservatives who were wary of McCain's self-styled "maverick" image a reason to vote Republican on Election Day.

"That's why it was such a shrewd pick," Iverson said. "She appeals to a wing of the Republican Party that has not had the high level of enthusiasm for John McCain as they had with George Bush."

Iverson said Republican gubernatorial candidate Roy Brown could be the main beneficiary of the renewed GOP enthusiasm.

"This is significant for Roy Brown if he can figure out a way, through his targeting and his polling, to appeal to McCain voters," Iverson said. "The key for him and his campaign management team is to figure out how they can capitalize on what I think is going to be a McCain victory."

For his part, Brown said his campaign is definitely experiencing a burst of energy in the wake of the convention.

"You know, I've never seen so much excitement — especially after the announcement of Sarah Palin — in the party. In fact, I haven't seen so much excitement since Ronald Reagan," Brown said. "She has energized the base in Montana like it hasn't been energized in a long time."

Brown said if state Republicans can maintain that excitement over the next two months, he might have a shot at unseating Gov. Brian Schweitzer, a powerful incumbent who continues to enjoy high approval ratings across the state.

"I think what's going on in the McCain/Palin race is going to help my race because they are energizing Republicans to get out and vote," Brown said. "That's one of the issues that has been difficult for my campaign — getting Republicans energized. I feel confident that if we have the resources to get our message out to those McCain/Palin voters, we can win and we will win."