Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

....Howard Guttman, an original member of the Obama national finance committee, went on Laura Ingraham Friday to again and again infer that Palin’s parenting skills and the choice to run for VP were suspect....

The Obama campaign rejected Gutman’s comments.

“Obviously these comments do not reflect our frequently stated, crystal-clear view that families of the candidates should be off limits, and we hope that supporters on both sides will act accordingly,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in an e-mail, pointing out that Gutman has apologized in a statement to ABC News.

Earlier in the week, Obama said anyone spreading rumors about Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy would be fired.

“I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits,” Obama said. “This shouldn’t be part of our politics.”

It isn’t clear what role Gutman still has in the campaign.

And as I pointed out people from McCain's campaign have brought up Ayers.
as well they should.....O'Reilly is apparently going to hammer him on that one. Mon, Tues and Wed this week his interview with him is continued.

Actually I agree that the Ayers stuff doesn't fall into the category of things that should be off the table of discussion. It of course diverts from issues that I hope voters are more interested in like the economy though.

Fair play!