Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
as G-man pointed out one of his economic advisers was bashing her family, how can you breathe in the sand?

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It isn’t clear what role Gutman still has in the campaign...He use to be with the campaign but any reference to him seems to be past tense.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
...There seems to be a pattern of Obama saying some sort of unwarranted personal attack is "off limits" and then a high-profile supporter just "happens" to make the attack anyway. And that supporter always just "happens" to be one that Obama can't fire because he or she isn't actually a paid employee...FUNny about that.

According to the Atlantic, Team Obama was pushing its surrogates to compare Sarah Palin to George McGovern's doomed 1972 running mate, Thomas Eagleton:
  • In memos, e-mails and phone calls this week, Obama campaign officials have urged surrogates and allies to mention Republicans who are "nervous" about the Palin pick and to link those worries to George McGovern's aborted vice presidential pick of Thomas Eagleton in 1972, according to three Democratic surrogates.

    That year, McGovern rescinded the pick after learning that Eagleton had been treated for depression. Questions about the thoroughness of the Palin vet have been raised, particularly about how and when Palin disclosed the news that her teenage daughter is pregnant and whether Palin's political resume had been thoroughly scrubbed.

    On Wednesday, the campaign's chief surrogate wranglers distributed a three page compilation of quotes from Republicans concerned about the Palin pick. (See the text after the jump.) One surrogate said he had been urged to bring up the example of Eagleton in order to seed the idea that McCain might consider dropping him from the ticket.
