Originally Posted By: the G-man
In all seriousness, I'm inclined to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was not an intentional attack on Palin, but simply another example of how he tends to flub his remarks when they aren't carefully scripted.

However, I must admit to enjoying the irony of watching the Democrat Party, after years of race baiting and faking sexism charges to the point where we all have to watch what we see most of the time, getting hoisted on a petard of their own creation.

What does that say of the right that they have quickly siezed on the comment when it's politically advantagous?

I am surprised that this is really has some traction but people seem to be really pissed at his comment. I could understand if Palin was unattractive or overweight but she's not.

I'll also have to admit to seeing some irony at having Obama who said he was troubled at the Clintons when it was politically advantagous to do so. What goes comes around.

And points have to go to McCain. He very early on hit people on his side who emphasized Obama's middle name so he has some credability in going after Obama on this.

Fair play!