ohn McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” zoomed past Barack Obama yesterday in a series of presidential polls.

But the news is not all bad for Obama, with some voters aproving of his values, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.

Poll points include:

McCain leading Obama 48 to 44 percent overall, with the GOP ticket still holding the post-convention bump.

Obama up by 5 points with women, but McCain ahead by 12 points among white women.

Sarah Palin ranked higher, at 42 percent, than either McCain or Obama when white women were asked which candidate shares their values and principles “a lot.”

Obama has an 18-percentage-point lead among voters who said they look more to a contender’s values and views than experience.

Yesterday’s Gallup daily poll puts McCain up 48 percent to 45 percent over Obama among registered voters.

Yesterday’s Rasmussen daily poll also shows McCain up by 3 points.