Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
So far it's just rumor but there is a lot of buzz going aroind that Biden will step down in October and Hilary will replace him on the ticket. If this is true it shows 2 things about Obama he underestimated Sarah Palin(already shown I know), and he will say or do anything to get elected(already shown I know)...

At this point I can't see that happening. A switch at this point would hurt Obama unless Biden suffered some serious health problems & most people would reasonably agree that he couldn't do the VP thing. Considering all the crazy things alot of people are willing to say about Obama & feel very rightous about it I'm not even sure that scenario is even viable.

it;s far fetched in my opinion as well because he risks exposing his over-politicization at this point in the game where the spotlight is too bright. But at the same time he does feel his election is destiny he may be willing to do anything to win, also Biden would have to be in agreement, and have to "fake" a reason to drop out. A lot of big ifs, but like I said mostly rumor.