Originally Posted By: whomod
The independent website FactCheck.org said the McCain ad explored "new paths of deception", after other contentious claims that Obama had called Palin a "pig" and advocated teaching sex education to kindergarten children.

"Actually, they are not lies," McCain said on TV talk show The View.

The Democratic campaign had argued McCain's camp deliberately twisted Obama's recent comment that Republican claims to represent change were like putting "lipstick on a pig," as a sexist slur on Palin.

And then that G-Man. Are the Republicans really against teaching kids to know how to protect themselves against child predators? Anything to win, eh? Trying to turn something positive and prudent into 'Obama wants to teach small kids about sex"???

You Republicans are simply slimey assholes. You guys wouldn't mind 1000 Adam Walshes and Polly Klaases, just so long as you "win".

At least it protects Rex and his unhealthy appetites.