Rove: McCain Has Gone 'One Step Too Far'
By Robert Barnes
LOUDON, N.H. -- The Obama campaign was pleased today to introduce a new ally: Karl Rove.

Well, maybe that goes a bit far, and its manner of introduction was not exactly one President Bush's top political strategist might have chosen for himself.

Nonetheless, the campaign seized on Rove's comments on Fox News Sunday today to bolster its case that Republican presidential nominee John McCain has been lying about Obama's record in recent days. The Obama campaign has specifically decried two McCain ads: one that attempts to portray as an insult to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Obama's contention that McCain's calls for change are putting "lipstick on a pig," and another Obama says misleads viewers about the purpose of a sex eduction bill he supported.

In response to a question, Rove said McCain "has similarly gone one step too far, attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100 percent truth test.''

Washington Post

Did hell just freeze over? While I agree with Rove it's a surprise to see it coming from him. The lipstick on a pig ad didn't bother me so much but the sex ed one was sleazy deceptive IMHO.

Fair play!