Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
i love this, if the best that the Obamassiahites can come up with is this, theyve ran out of straws....

No, the best we can come up with is McCain economic advisor Phil Gramm (and possible Treasury secretary pick)deregulating Wall Street, the fact that McCain has lied chronically since the GOP convention, Sarah Palin's ethics investigation, McCain saying the economy is fundamentally strong, McCain agreeing with bush over 95% of the time yet he thinks he's "change", the fact that he touts himself as a foreign policy "expert" yet routinely gets basic facts wrong, the fact hat he's 71 years old and he has a lightweight ready to step in, the fact that his VP also has lied chronically since the GOP convention on everything from the bridge to nowhere to the jet on e-Bay to all the countries she's toured.

That's just off the top of my head.

Plus the fact that alone, McCain still can't seem to inspire anyone much enough to actually attend his events.