Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
In other news, it is starting to look like the person who hacked Palin's private email account may be the son of a Democrat State Senator who heads Obama's operation in Tennessee.
hope it was worth the possible jail time.....fucking idiot.

the funny thing is these are the same people who were bitching about dick cheney reading their emails or something...

Oh yeah. you have that on record? That this kid was mad at warrantless surveillance?
Or are you just talking out of your ass again and making blanket accusations and endorsements?

Undoubtedly the latter.

oh wait...

Anyone who APPLAUDS the fact someones privacy was invaded FOR WHATEVER REASON truly needs to take a look at their own complaints against "privacy" invasion But it seems if it suits THEIR purposes it is OK....hmmm sound familiar

Any critical thinker should realize that both parties come from the RICH and the true issue is and never has been race but the social status Democrats and Republicans have money those of us posting here cant reac what they got THINK ABOUT THAT