The Anchorage Daily News reports that "Palin "has surrendered important gubernatorial duties" to the McCain campaign. Palin has ceded control of Alaska to John McCain's campaign staff. That can't be good for Alaskans:

Gov. Sarah Palin has surrendered important gubernatorial duties to the Republican presidential campaign. McCain staff are handling public and press questions about actions she has taken as governor. The governor who said, "Hold me accountable," is hiding behind the hired guns of the McCain campaign to avoid accountability.

Is it too much to ask that Alaska's governor speak for herself, directly to Alaskans, about her actions as Alaska's governor?

Apparently, the answer to the question is "Yes." Instead, Alaska's governor is speaking directly to the rest of America -- and, like her running mate on the Palin-McCain ticket, is lying to our faces. But that's OK, after 8 years, Republicans are used to and even enjoy being lied to day after day after day by heir Republican heroes. They'll just dismiss fact checkers as being agents of satan or something.

Ready to lead? She can't even lead her own state to which she was elected to do. Of course she can stymie investigations at the behest of the McCain campaign and the Republican Party. and you guys wonder why people are thinking twice about 4 more years of behaviour that looks like the past 8?