G-ma... the Republicans are starting to sound like the "victim" party. the victim of the "liberal media", the victim is "sexism", the victim of those evil bipartisa..um I mean "Democrat" invesigators in Alaska. It's whine whine and

If conservatives hate victimhood so much, why then does the Republican Party encourage its base to feel so aggrieved, especially at the hands of those snotty "elites"? Whether it's complaining about lipstick on a pig or bashing Washington insiders, the media and those oh-so-condescending Hollywood celebrities, Republicans have turned their own kind of victimhood into a political art form.

Romesh Ponnuru was a voice in the conservative wilderness Wednesday when he argued in a National Review blog that the GOP's response to Barack Obama's lipstick-on-a-pig comment is making Republicans look like "whiny grievance-mongers."

Just this June, Dennis Prager wrote that the "entire liberal-left [worldview] is predicated on portraying every group in America except white, male, heterosexual Christians as oppressed. Women are oppressed by men. Blacks and Hispanics are oppressed by whites. Gays are oppressed by straights. Non-Christians are oppressed by Christians."

He must have been surprised when, at the GOP convention, his own champions, Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani, flagrantly predicated their positions on the same kind of oppression, this time of Sam's Club, Main Street Republicans by those nasty "elites."

BTW, McCain is old. and i'll find some video and audio later on of that whole 'Spain is in in Latin America' interview a doddering McCain did. I'm sure you already heard it though. Although you wish you hadn't.

BTW this headline from the Washington Post says it all about McCain:

"On Economy Obama Offers ideas; McCain Blames Rival"