McCain has now lied about only buying American cars all his life. Is there nothing he won't lie about? This one was so easily refutable that it is laughable. He lies because he still assumes he can get away with doing it and the only consequence is a good talking point.

Here's the McCain fleet as per Newsweek:

2004 Cadillac
2005 Volkswagen convertible
2001 Honda sedan
2007 half-ton Ford pickup truck
vintage 1960 Willys Jeep
2008 Jeep Wrangler
2000 Lincoln
2001 GMC SUV
three 2000 NEV Gem electric vehicles

John McCain has 13 cars. Barack Obama has 1. John McCain may have anywhere from 7 to 14 homes. Obama has 1. Yet we're to believe that McCain is the regular guy and Obama is the snooty elitist. It's quite sad and desperate really.

At this point, we ought to have an open and honest debate as to whether McCain has simply become a serial liar, willing to do anything and say anything in order to be president, or whether McCain is having serious problems with his memory and overall cognitive abilities due to old age, a recurrence of his cancer, initial Alzheimer's or some other illness.

Is it dementia, confusion, or what that is causing McCain to atypically say repeated falsehoods - from placing Spain in Latin America, to claiming that Palin was against the Bridge to Nowhere, to now saying that he's always bought American. We now know that at least 3 of the McCain's 13 cars - yes, McCain has 13 cars - are foreign cars (a Honda, a VW, and a Lexus). Now, I don't personally have a problem with someone buying a foreign car - though you know the Republicans would be all over Obama if his car were foreign (it's not, Obama owns one car and it's a Ford hybrid). But the issue here is that McCain has once again lied about yet another fact in his life, in order to get elected.

The old McCain didn't appear to be this much of a liar, or this confused about the facts. The new McCain has either decided to jettison his honor overboard, or is quite literally beginning to lose his mind. At 72 years of age with 4 bouts of rather serious cancer, the latter can't be ignored for much longer. Especially since there's a very real possibility that electing John McCain would make Sarah Palin president.

Huffington Post has put together a slide show of the McCain fleet.

This issue isn't so much about McCain's cars as it about yet another McCain lie designed to bolster some image of himself that simply isn't so.