Originally Posted By: Franta
I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense

I challenge you

I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.

I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.

Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?!

They both suck balls and they both have a bunch of dumb fucks who follow them (or their party) with blind zeal. No matter which one wins, America loses.