Wow, CNN grew a few. Good for them. AP apparently protested as well. Yes, Virginia, there is a media. And it's starting to wake up. I'm really shocked that CNN did this. CNN was the network providing television coverage for all the networks, and after McCain's people said there would be no coverage of Palin's actual substantive (if you'd call it that) conversations with world leaders, CNN pulled the plug. Wow. Here's AP's coverage, it's good:

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who has not held a press conference in nearly four weeks of campaigning, on Tuesday banned reporters from her first meetings with world leaders, allowing access only to photographers and a television crew.

CNN, which was providing the television coverage for news organizations, decided to pull its TV crew, effectively denying Palin the high visibility she had sought.

Palin planned to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe in New York on Tuesday as the United Nations General Assembly convenes this week. She also was expected to meet with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Those sessions and meetings scheduled for Wednesday are part of the Republican campaign's effort to give Palin experience in foreign affairs. She has never met a foreign head of state and first traveled outside North America just last year.

The Huffington Post has more, and notes that the media also seems to have gotten ticked at McCain this morning for refusing to take questions. Well here's an idea: Stop covering him. Pull your reporters on the McCain's bus (well, they're no longer in the bus at all, now they follow in vans) and stop covering McCain as clearly there is nothing to cover. That will get his attention.