Originally Posted By: whomod

Nice rebuttal of all the points I raised there.

And people wonder why I don't respond cordially around here. The McCain campaign is in full panic mode after 2 full weeks of McCain being 2 steps behind this financial crisis. If you want to believe McCain is incapable of debating and single handedly solving a logjam that isn't a logjam and that he's only able to do it from Washington.. um well that actually makes sense seeing as how the inventor of the blackberry is tech illiterate and may not be able to videoconference, text, e-mail or even use that big plane of his to fly to the debate and back.

But yeah, "Country First". Kinda like on 9/11 when he said 'country first' and no negative attack ads.. except that he did run negative ads that day while Obama respected the event and the truce.

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.