
thank goodness.

Palin once blessed to be free from 'witchcraft'

By GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press Writer 55 minutes ago

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A grainy YouTube video surfaced Wednesday showing Sarah Palin being blessed in her hometown church three years ago by a Kenyan pastor who prayed for her protection from "witchcraft" as she prepared to seek higher office.

The video shows Palin standing before Bishop Thomas Muthee in the pulpit of the Wasilla Assembly of God church, holding her hands open as he asked Jesus Christ to keep her safe from "every form of witchcraft."...

Palin's pastor also touts how he drove away a local witch from his Kenyan village. A story he's repeated often and proudly, even in Palin's church in her presence.

So who knows.. Salem 2009?

Maybe we can toss potential Supreme Court Justices in water and see if they float...