Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
McCain suspends his campaign to work on the crises and thats putting himself first? when is the last time you had your Med doses checked?

Until you and the traditional media types can show some shred of evidence that John McCain suspended his campaign -- besides McCain saying it -- you and the traditional media types should stop saying McCain suspended his campaign. He didn't.

Evidence abounds that McCain's campaign is operating at full speed. McCain spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative this morning, Palin did a photo op at ground Zero today, then at 11am, McCain's senior economics advisor was busy doing a campaign event with the uber-conservative Washington Times (she's not there as a private citizen). It isn't a suspension of your campaign when you continue to do everything you were going to do anyway.

Think Progress found five instances of McCain campaign flacks on t.v. spinning their message. There's active campaign underway in Virginia. And, by doing some actual investigating, Huffington Post confirmed that the McCain campaign is very active today in key battleground states:

Across the country, McCain campaign offices are up and running, accepting volunteers, conducting phone banking, literature dropping and over GOTV activities. This held true on a local, state, and even regional level. The Huffington Post called up 15 McCain-Palin and McCain Victory Committee headquarters in various battleground states. Not one said that it was temporarily halting operations because of the supposed "suspension" in the campaign. Several, in fact, enthusiastically declared the continuation of their work. Others hadn't even heard that the candidate for whom they were devoting their time had officially stopped campaigning.

Here's a little hint for the political press corps: If you can keep reporting on Palin/McCain campaign events and if you keep having McCain staffers on your networks, the campaign ain't suspended.

John McCain tried to dupe the American people. He got a lot of help from the traditional media. If they actually reported what was going on and not what McCain said, this sham would be exposed.

As for bsams, it's starting to get embarrassing how many Republican and McCain lies you so unquestioningly swallow. So insults make you not only look gullible, but they make you look like a gullible asshole.