No. Because while I think his mind is made up, he still essentially asks real questions and honest answers.

I'm still waiting for why 1) being a Muslim in general is bad and scary? 2) why an "America hater" runs for office, gives of his time and effort for decades to volunteerism, local office, state office and then national office when his Law degree basically opens the doors of the "elite' world and the elite bucks and 3) why the mainstream media has kept the lid on the fact that Obama hates America and wants to run for President to achieve his dastardly ends. I suppose they "Hate America" too.

Do you suppose the people who wrecked this economy and committed us to a preemptive war of choice based on cherry picked intel "Hate America" in any way? Or do they just make honest mistakes repeatedly? Me, I just think they're fundamentally wrong and dangerous to our county's future. but I don't subscribe anti-Americanism to them.

Now I can wait for these answers or frankly I can just think that you're a raving loony conspiracy nut who's swallowed too much far right kool Aid about how everyone not like a right wing Republican is "the enemy" and "hates America" and how the islamofascist obama wants to destroy America. That is if theres any America to destroy come January.