Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
You can agree, disagree but frankly "Kill Whitey" or "says the fucknut" is nothing but an indicator that this person has nothing to counter or offer as a counter argument.

Or rather it's an example of debunking someone's affinity for hiding behind talking points in lieu of having no opinion of his own.

Would someone please post that quote reel of Whomod's steady metamorphosis from a McCain lover to a McCain hater? Don't forget to include how he all of a sudden thinks he's too old to be in politics (see also: he called him a "doddering fucker") even after saying how much he respected him.

At the risk of me and everyone else who used to admire John McCain coming off like a broken record, let me repeat. McCain has reversed himself on HIS OWN positions, sometimes his own bills even since again seeking the GOP nomination. You're just looking for anything to toss attack-wise as if that'll shut me up. These McCain contradictions have been beyond well documented and discussed in the media. It's amazing that this is still considered a credible line of attack. Many Americans in addition to myself, in fact a majority of them now, have reevaluated John McCain recently and they find him to be not so much "the maverick" now.

So give it a rest already. It's tired but I suppose you think it means something. It's like coming out with ratings for a show when it was good and insisting that it stay on after it jumped the shark and thus tanked ratings wise because people like it. Your 3 year old ratings prove it!