It's a conspiracy! Quick bsams, to arms! We're surrounded!

I for the life of me can't fathom why anyone thinks a Congressional junket to Kenya translates to Obama being a Muslim. It's stupid frankly. It's ignorant, and it's straw grasping for scandal and scurrilous smear.

And Rex, the mainstream media reports facts and not wild conspiracies. that is why I'm fixated on them and not on your dumb unverified frankly fear based claims and smears. Source your claims. 'Just cuz I beleive it' isn't convincing.

When you say crazy broad generalized crap like" ____ Hates America", I can draw assumptions pretty easily from that alone. the fact that you say other crazy stuff in a similar vein simply corroborates it.

Now my fingers are tired fromall the copying and pasting I did tonight. But anyways let's discuss that. let's discuss the Palin 60 Minutes videos which i've titled Palin: Blithering Idiot. Do you disagree? Are you willing to argue that she has a firm grasp of the issues if not the English language? I posted the video because it underscores a REAL fear of Palin being woefully in over her head. IN HER OWN WORDS, not mine. IF YOU DISAGREE THEN ARGUE HOW IT IS AN UNFAIR ATTACK. Don't switch the subject to whomod this or whomod that like you guys always do. Prove me wrong. And not with Palin is a Governor executive experience etc. etc. Argue what I brought to the table not with right wing talking points. "the left" didn't force her to look like a fool every time she tries to answer a biig question. MoveOn.Org didn't doctor the video to make her look dumb. So stop with the phony arguments to excuse a lightweight candidate. If you believe in her then tell me why that video actually shows her intelligence and brilliance? Or is it easier to just move the conversation to the subject of me?