Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Forget the raid bullshit. whomod proved to me long ago that he's unable to see beyond his own prejudices. If you disagree with him on immigration or Obama, it's much simpler for him to say that you're a racist than to actually try and understand your difference of opinion. Thing is that before he went "Jack the 'lil Death" crazy on us, outside of the politics forum he, at one time, was able to pack away his insane political tirades and talk about other things like a normal, cool human being.

I would also point out that, when he first resurfaced here, whomod seemed like he was a changed guy. He was a lot more reasonable, polite and interesting to discuss politics with. I was actually glad to see him back. We never agreed, but it was interesting and fun to debate him.

But then he got all unhinged again. Now its' just talk, youtube clips and graemlins.