"McCain Blinks"

Good lord, he looks like someone just told him there isn't a Santa Claus (don't worry, kids, there is). John McCain is clearly not someone accustomed to getting bad news. Not to mention, he doesn't look so good when he's not wearing $5,000 worth of make-up to cover the fact that he's about to explode.

More from Wash Post:

The news that John McCain will debate Barack Obama tonight in Mississippi is a concession by the Arizona senator that his attempt to score a quick political victory on legislation to bail out the financial sector did not pan out as he had hoped.

McCain suspended his presidential campaign with much fanfare on Wednesday, insisting that the crisis in financial markets and the seeming stalemate on Capitol Hill required that politics be set aside for the good of the country.

But, over the intervening 24 hours, McCain saw what at first looked like a brilliant political gambit turn into a nightmare, as an apparent done deal to save the financial industry devolved into a partisan shouting match at the White House that left congressional negotiators back at square one....

Spin aside, McCain blinked in what had become a high stakes staring contest between he and Obama.

It's nice to know that McCain thought it ok to use the United States Economy and it's well being as a tool to help him revive his disaster of a campaign. "Country First" and all that...

Poor poor G-Man.....