Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: whomod
BTW, why aern't we discussing Sarah Palin? Specifically her appearance with Katie Couric. I repeatedly keep bringing the thread ABOUT SARAH PALIN back to Sarah Palin and you guys refuse to discuss her and instead choose to either discuss me or else now John McCain.

I just keep on coming on to new Palin excerpts from that interview and they get worse and worse. Here's Jack Cafferty reacting to one I had yet to see. It's incomprehensible gibberish and Cafferty is spot on:

Honestly, do any of these Palin interview excerpts make a lick of sense or inspire confidence in you? Don't lie either. She sounds like an absolute moron.

I thought she did fine. I honestly believe this is all calcualated. She is going to fuck Biden up at the debate and then she will start doing more interviews.

um... okay....

In the meantime she's busy fucking John McCain up.

You can't even trust her to buy a cheesesteak. She really is that big an idiot:

Sarah Palin told a customer at a Philadelphia restaurant on Saturday that the United States should “absolutely” launch cross-border attacks from Afghanistan into Pakistan in the event that it becomes necessary to “stop the terrorists from coming any further in,” a comment similar to the one John McCain condemned Barack Obama for making during last night’s presidential debate.

During Friday’s debate, Obama criticized the Bush administration for sending billions of dollars in aid to Pakistan without ridding the border region of terrorists.

“If the United States has al Qaeda, bin Laden, top-level lieutenants in our sights, and Pakistan is unable or unwilling to act, then we should take them out,” Obama added.

McCain fired back hard, arguing that newly elected Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari has had his “hands full” and suggesting that Obama’s tough talk was naïve.

“You don’t say that out loud,” McCain said. “If you have to do things, you have to do things, and you work with the Pakistani government.”

Palin’s apparent disagreement with McCain’s position on Pakistan came as the Alaska governor was picking up a couple of cheesesteaks at Tony Luke’s in South Philadelphia. She was approached by a man wearing a Temple University t-shirt, who later identified himself as Michael Rovito.

In fairness to Palin, trying to memorize all the various right wing foreign policy answers can relegate the McCain debate positions to the bottom of the in box.