Originally Posted By: the G-man
Do you really want a precedent set where politicians can threaten critics with criminal prosecution for "lying"?


Maybe you should ask McCain...
McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer's Palin Rumor
(CBS)From CBS News' John Bentley:

(ST. PAUL, MINN.) – John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

“The smearing of the Palin family must end. The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false. It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.

“The efforts of the media and tabloids to destroy this fine and accomplished public servant are a disgrace. The American people will reject it.”

CBS News

Fair play!