Originally Posted By: the G-man
Or Biden's?

But, seriously, this is getting pathetic. Anybody who isn't a complete partisan can tell that this wasn't a statement that Venezuala was in the middle east but a poorly constructed sentence, the type that every one of us make sometimes.

Ok. You can excuse that if you think about it that way. What about the Spain comment? what about his Joe Lieberman whispering in his ear moment in Iraq?

Need a refresher?

He reminds me so much of Ronald Reagan in his second term. Senile dementia and/or Alzheimer's both have early warning signs. Anybody that didn't know something was wrong with Reagan at the debates wasn't paying attention. Shortly after leaving office he had a diagnosis....you have to know it started LOOONNNGGG before. John McCain is making numerous and regular gaffes, and even though I don't like him much since he decided to reverse himself and run for the GOP nomination, I do not think he is a stupid man. He sure is having difficulty in expressing simple ideas and thoughts as of late though.

If you've spent time with the elderly, you'd know they have not too much trouble with things that happened 40 years ago, but can't remember yesterday's breakfast. He probably still thinks those countries exist. Too many people will brush it aside as "political dirty tricks" when someone dare mentions it, though. There is definitely something wrong with his thought processes.

What I fail to understand as especially given his poor choice of VP candidate (and I've as well as the press have documented many conservatives that agree) why his current propensity for gaffes and confusion is taboo and off limits or below the belt.