why the fuh are you guys so fuking annoyin come elction times? I mean seirusly. normally you quite likable, even Rex (I mean , rex isn't really likable anytime, but you knwo what I mean) but This time, when there's an election around the proverbial corner you're all assholes (yes, even you PJP, although Ithank God (whom I don't believe in) everyday.

You're all assholes when there's an election, why?

I meean, I'm pretty drunk, though not drunk enough to noe bring home my buddys wallet and to not hit on the very hot barten der (yes, she's a woman) to not wirte this message, however any potential spelling errors there might be. Hey, I'm drunk, my fingers aren't as responsive as they usually are....

Yes, rex, you're a sockfucker and an idiot and yes, PJP, I thank the imaginary sky-fairy for your existance every day (of eevery other day.....every other month, every ohter decade....for your existance...)

my pont is....come election time, youre all....republican or democrat...idiots and unneccessarily mean...


fuco you all...

shit...ecven the mouse is acting strangely

Racks be to MisterJLA