Considering that McCain's last desperate strategy is to appease the likes of bsams and launch into smears against Obama, the kind that bsams embraces, it's sure refreshing to see that Obama is already ahead of the game and has a response ready.

i was expecting the McCain smears to start around Monday but I'm told they started running ads trying to link Obama with Ayers, yesterday.

Personally i think that given the fact that the economy is front and center right now in peoples minds, the attempt to try to shift the conversation to superfluous smears that have NOTHING to do with the day to day concerns of Americans, is going to backfire on McCain. I'm guessing it's going to be seen as a last ditch attempt to distract people from what's going on in the economy and will look unbecoming of a guy running on his personal "honor".

George Will made an excellent point this morning on ABC's THIS WEEK. Americans are about to get a mailing that is going to do wonders for Obama's campaign. They're going to be getting their quarterly statements from their 401ks and their pension plans. And it ain't going to be pretty. John McCain wants to change the subject away from the economy. He wants to pull the plug on the number one discussion, the number one issue of importance to every American, because he doesn't know much about economics. And Sarah Palin? Yeah. Imagine Sarah Palin being in charge of your 401k.