Originally Posted By: PJP


American Author of Anti-Obama Book Detained in Kenya
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

NAIROBI, Kenya — The American author of a book critical of Barack Obama is being detained in Kenya while his immigration status is checked, a senior immigration official said Tuesday.

Jerome Corsi, who wrote "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," was being held at immigration headquarters in Nairobi after police picked him up from his hotel Tuesday, said Carlos Maluta, a senior immigration official in charge of investigations.

"We still haven't decided what to do with him," Maluta told The Associated Press.

He said Corsi did not have a temporary work permit needed to conduct business in Kenya.

Obama is wildly popular in Kenya. His father, whom he barely knew, was a Kenyan economist.

Corsi's book claims the Illinois senator is a dangerous, radical candidate for president and includes innuendoes and false rumors — that he was raised a Muslim, attended a radical, black church and is secretly seething with "black rage."

Obama is a Christian who attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, and his campaign picks apart the book's claims on the Obama campaign's rumor-fighting Web site, FightTheSmears.com.

According to a press release announcing Corsi's visit, he arrived last week at the invitation of Christian missionaries concerned about the rise of Islam. Corsi was planning to file daily dispatches all week, the statement said.

Obama's Kenyan uncle, Said Obama, said he was unaware of Corsi's detention.