Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
nah, pro's cool. it's just that if he changes his mind about something while we're watching it'll kinda snap his streak of always being right. and also put a helluva dent in his transcendent aura of superiority. ;\)

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

I must really get to you guys if you just bring me up out of the blue like this...

In response to your biting commentary, there are plenty of instances in this forum where I am convinced through facts and rational discussion to alter my opinions. Unlike others that post here, I don't draw a line in the sand and stare at it in denial of anything else.

And, let's be clear: my aura of superiority is impervious, since I am...you know...superior...

Having said that, let me admit that while I would never, ever want her anywhere near any seat of power ( ), she's nice in a bikini...