Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
but an msnbc screencap makes it gospel of course...

You want another source to tell you that the DOW dropped over 500 points today because you don't trust MSNBC?


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Markets Drown in Another Selling Wave

Matt Egan

The Dow plummeted another 500 points to five-year lows on Tuesday as Wall Street shrugged off another emergency effort by the Federal Reserve to cure ailing credit markets.

The selloff capped the Dow's worst five-day point drop in history and came despite the Fed unveiling another plan aimed at unfreezing credit and giving a strong signal that the door may be open to more interest rate cuts.

There, your FOX news confirms it. The Dow Jones lost over 500 points today. You see sammitch. IT'S TRUE!!