Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Action star, and Republican, Chuck Norris said this, this past January, which Mike Huckabee looking on and not objecting:

"Chuck Norris brought his tough-guy approach to the campaign trail Sunday, taking aim at John McCain's age and suggesting the Arizona senator might not last even a single term. Norris, an ardent supporter of Mike Huckabee, told reporters he believes serving as president accelerates the aging process 3-to-1. 'If John takes over the presidency at 72 and he ages 3-to-1, how old will he be in four years? Eighty-four years old — and can he handle that kind of pressure in that job?' Norris said, as Huckabee looked on. 'That's why I didn't pick John to support, because I'm just afraid the vice president will wind up taking over his job within that four-year presidency.' added the action star."

President Palin taking over the reins of the finance crisis, anyone? It's okay, you don't need to retire anyway.

Quoting chuck norris? What next? The national enquirer?

About two weeks ago the Midnight Globe did a cover story about how Obama was a Muslim terrorist sleeper agent. I almost bought it and scanned it so I could post it here for the next time whomod tried to claim that tabloids are a valid source of political news.